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Legal Question

sixteensmom's picture

All cs was satisfied 3 yrs ago.
Alimony was satisfied in June.

BM filed motion to extend alimony on the grounds she's a lazy ass waste of A LOT of skin and a soul. And she has a back ache. And she spent over $900K the past 10 years and has nothing to show for it.

We filed, 'oh no you don't' response (just says we disagree)

According to her motion, she and we have to file financial affidavitds with the court tomorrow.
We won't.
I'm sure she won't.

When she doesn't, can we file to dismiss based on the fact she didn't do what her own motion requires?

There is absolutely no basis for extension. SHE has the burden of proving there are unforseen circumstances which have changed significantly since the original order, warranting more and longer duration alimony.

Getting stupider wasn't unforseen so that can't count. Getting fatter and uglier so she doesn't have a bf or new husband wasn't unforseen. Having a back, neck, eyeball (it's true) boob, foot head ache are none unforeseen as she's had all of those for 30 years. Becoming more of a bitch was expected. Continuing to PAS her children vs their dad was expected. being the victim was expected.

Anyone know what the next steps are?


Journey1982's picture

^^^What tog said^^^^ In my state alimony can't be changed or extended. Good luck. $900,000.00 WOW :jawdrop:

Jsmom's picture

Do not submit anything until it is court ordered....Even if lawyers tell you to, make sure the courts order it.

My DH made that mistake, we did and BM didn't. Still irritates the hell out of me that she saw my finances....

sixteensmom's picture

This is exactly what I've been thinking.
I refuse to have any more to do with this bat shit crazy pants until a judge tells us we have to.
We're sitting on it POTSIE!