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Pay It Forward

sixteensmom's picture

I come from a poor (economically) but rich (in love) family and grew up appreciating everything I had. I've worked my ass off my entire life and have had some great opportunities and success. I try as often as I can to 'Pay it Forward.' I buy lunch for the people behind me in line or donate anonomously to funeral funds or benefits. I've given some distant relatives money when they were down on their luck and couldn't do Christmas for their kids etc. But I don't feel like I've really made that much of a difference, and that's really the point, right? It makes my heart happy.

So for valentines day this year, I'm going to do something for myself to make my heart happier Smile
What are some ideas you have for big pay it forwards that would really make a difference in someone's life?

Ready, go!



evilstepmotherJ's picture

Donate to a women's shelter for abused women, it's hard enough for these women to leave abusive spouses so a donation will go a long way to giving them freedom. You are a sweetheart!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I love doing stuff like this! You never know when you might be the only person's someon'es encountered all day that's done or said something nice to them. DH and I make a point of always complimenting the waitperson when we get good service at a restaurant. We let the person and the manager know what a good job they did. They're so used to only hearing the negative, it's always good to hear the positive! We also recently paid for our martial arts instructor's dinner. We ran into her and her DH at a restaurant, and she happended to mention she was out for her birthday dinner. This lady is 70-something, has a fourth degree black belt, and kicks ass, OK? I love her. We paid for her dinner without saying anything, but she knew it was us. She told us later that no one had ever done that for her, ever, and it inspired her to do the same.

I love paying it forward. Smile

kathc's picture

I've been making an effort to donate more to veterans charities since the government has been slashing away at any funding or help available to veterans.

sixteensmom's picture

Thank you! My first valentine's day after I was divorced I called around to find my favorite flower. The only place with some in stock was a very expensive place I couldn't afford, but I went and purchased 2 stems - $5 a piece! I felt about thishigh. When the owner was wrapping them he added babies breath and roses and I said no no no I just want the 2 stems. He said well... we're throwing these out anyway (right, red roses on valentines morning and you're throwing them out... ) I cried right there on the spot and from that day forward I haven't been anywhere else for flowers - even though I could barely afford them! EVery dance corsage and bout for all of my kids, it's been 15 years. Now I order centerpieces every thanksgiving for my staff and it's a pretty big order. I'll never forget him.