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Alone Time Needed

smcpaw's picture

I have been divorced for 4 years now and my daughter lives with my boyfriend and I (going on 2 years). My daughter has very little involvement with her father (maybe once a month or so). She is 17 years old and a senior in high school. We have been through a lot since the divorce and my daughter has had some difficult times dealing with loyalties, separation anxiety, etc. She has been in extensive counseling and is continuing. I too saw a counselor to sort out some of the guilt feelings I have. First of all, I was married for 20 years with a husband who resented his own children. When I made the decision to leave, it was for the happiness of all concerned. I did find happiness with my boyfriend.

My question is, is it wrong to insist that my daughter spend one weekend a month either at her father's, grandmother's or godparent's house from Friday evening until Sunday morning before church. I talked to the therapist who told me it was completely normal to want alone time - a break from the every day. My daughter sees it as we don't want her around, when that is so far from the truth. I tried to explain that I too need a break... She works right next door to where we live and previously, she used to stop in before and after work if she spent the night at her dad's. I insisted that when she is away for the weekend, that she not stop in. I am wrong for wanting 2 days a month alone with my boyfriend to strengthen our relationship and have quality one-on-one time?


happy's picture

Think of it more as a way to spend that alone personal time with him as a way that you and him can get to know eachother on another level. All of us need privacy. Your daughter needs her space too? Does she have a boyfriend? If she does try to put it to her with her and him filling the shoes. Lets face it teenagers do not want to be around when they are with there BF? so maybe try to explain it with her filling the shoes. You are not wrong at all!! I am a mom and my kids go to friends and all that and there dad's twice a month and I love it. Its my husband and I's time to go do what we can and just talk and spend time with one another. Reality is eventually it will be him and I without kids. They will grow and move. Maybe talk to her instead of staying over at one of those places, let her go with her Best friend.. That will be more fun for her..

Just my thoughts..

" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..

loonybonusmom's picture

At 17 I was wanting to be anywhere but my parent's house, actually I was, I moved out shortly after I turned 17. I understand wanting alone time, and I even commented the other day that parents should never have to sacrifice love for the sake of a child, but I don't think that should mean asking a child to be elsewhere for the sake of a parent's love. Did that make sense? Be patient, now you say you need a weekend away, in a couple of years you will say geeze a phone call would be nice. Can you trust her with your house to take a night away with your man? more exciting for the two of you I would think! I know here we always get it from the bm that she needs a break, hmmm with no complaints the last time dh and I went out for a night with out the kids....September!