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BMs on Facebook

Smellissa's picture

Just wondering, how many of you have BM on your Facebook Friends' List?

Do you get along with her?

DO you consider her toxic?


Mercury's picture

DH had BM blocked when I met him so that set the tone for me. I knew she HAD to be big trouble. I don't have my ex's blocked. I don't need to.

We kept our love to ourselves for a very long time but once she found out I existed, she demanded to meet me. DH said no. I said no. She went ballistic.

I think she is extremely toxic. I don't have her blocked, but I would never add her. In fact, I deleted some of DH's family after I found out they were still friends with BM.

stepmama2one's picture

Gross! BM is too self centered and self righteous for me to EVER let her on my friend's list. Even if she was around these days, I wouldn't ever add her to my friend's list.

twopines's picture

Oh my goodness no she's not my FB friend. I barely know her. When DH found out she started an account he had me block her from his, and I followed suit.

bearcub25's picture

Exactly why I blocked the skids, BM would get on and harass me. I had told SD when she got FB that we had to have her pw. Then I got accused of getting on SDs acct, so I told SD to change it and I have no clue what it is. DSO didn't care enough to monitor, why should I?

Shaman29's picture

Blocked blocked blocked.

Why invite trouble?

I've seen a ton of posts on here where the SM has been following the BM on FB. Then getting pissed about what the BM is posting.

Skid is blocked at well.

I've enough drama in my life thankyouverymuch.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

Hell to the no.

FDH deleted her years ago when he left her.
As soon as she learned of me, she blocked me. Which was good. All she did was talk shit about me on her Facebook.
She kept trying to win back DH. She's added him a few times and after denying it each time, he just blocked her.
She unblocked me (not sure for how long) but I saw her comment on a mutual friend's status.
I didn't like her having the control. So blocked her.
MIL and FIL blocked her.

BM would use her sister's FB to stalk us so we literally blocked her entire family and her boyfriend and HIS entire family.

She talks too much shit. Super toxic. Always looking for a pitty party from people.

lash's picture

She is toxic, I do not and would not ever put her on my facebook, bad enough she uses SD to get back with her daddy (her words)