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just whining

Smellissa's picture

Today has been one of those days where I just want to admit defeat, and give up. I've been having chest, arm and leg pain (minor anxiety attack) for four and a half hours.

I love my SDs with all my heart, but I have to admit that they are wearing me down. The last week has been a long one. On our best days, the three of us are damaged goods. On our worst, we are flaming nightmares. Sad


JingerVZ's picture

Please see a doctor.
Make sure you are ok and that it's just an anxiety attack.
Try to get some pills or even natural remedy for anxiety- if it continues, it's gonna give you real health issues like blood pressure problems.

Smellissa's picture

Thanks for the concern, guys. I have severe anxiety, and am under a doctor's care for it. Panic attacks for me are a daily occurrence (usually multiple times a day) so I've had all of those fun tests done, several times. I'm on medication for the anxiety attacks, but don't want anything that is habit forming, or anything that will knock me out, so I deal with what happens.

I know that this week will be better. SD15 is back to going to work with her dad, because of inappropriate conversations with her little sister.

Also, since SD15's fit last week (not sure if I blogged about that or not) SD12 has really been thinking that she is lucky to have me! Biggrin The "Can I get you anything?s" are getting a little annoying, but it's nice! LOL! Biggrin