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oh, the dramatics!

Smellissa's picture

I have never met any other two people in my life who are so dramatic! Is it because my SDs are teenage girls? Is it because because they've been physically and emotionally abused?

I try to be understanding. I really do. I love these girls, and I want to provide them with everything they need, including an understanding ear.

But sometimes, it's just too much. I've sat through two therapy sessions, already this week. There is another scheduled in an hour. While I'm there, i need to pick up an extra one next week, for.SD12.

And the drama so far today? SD14 wakes me up at 5 am, crying because she needed me. What did she need? Me to be awake while she waited for the school bus!

SD12 woke SD14 up at 3 am, last night. SD14's dog had puppies. This ( being woken up in the middle of the night) made SD14suicidal.

Continued in comments, because my phone sucks!


Smellissa's picture

Sd14 told me about the 3am suicide thoughts, when I got on her about waki ng up sick ME at 5 am. (I get up with the girls 95% of the time, but i got into some fumesyesterday. I still had a headache this am.)

The girls go to school, and come home. I took SD14 into my bedroom to talk to her about crying suicide every time things don't go her way. SD12 losses it. I love SD14 more then her.

Why do i love SD14 more? (SD12 SAID THIS). Because SD14 will single me out for private talks, and SD12 would rather hang out with her friends, but i should then make her spend the same amount of time with me.

It all seems like too much today!

kathc's picture

Yikes those are some high maintenance skids!

They're also very lucky to have you because you obviously care about them.

What's dad doing to help you out???

Smellissa's picture

Their dad is and wants to be helpless with these girls. He FINALLY went back to work this week - after I told him to either bring home a check or move out by the first. Before that, he was this useless lump on the bed, another mouth to feed, and one more person who had to be fitted into the bathroom rotation.

Hubby is honestly a jerk, though. The girls would prefer not to deal with him. He's always in a bad mood, yells and curses.

He couldn't cook them a meal, to save his life. He doesn't do any cleaning or laundry. When he's in the house, he insists on having control of the remote.

He has his good points, but right now, I'm not sure what they are.

I'm really frustrated with him right now!

Smellissa's picture

HallowPoints, both me and their biological mother have Borderline Personality Disorder. ( I've done tons of therapy, both private and group. That other woman refuses.)

SD14 said something last night, and I told her " that's just part of BAD."

When we did intake with their therapists, I told them, I want these girls to have SET .

Smellissa's picture

Luckymomme, I really hope that therapy does help. I know that they have to want to be better, though.

SD14's therapist told me today that i have to take time for me.