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smirked's picture

My situation is a bit weird and odd (well I think so anyway lol). I met my now DH before SD was born, three months before to be exact. The story is he dated her for a couple of months, she said she didnt want kids, she got pregnant and he broke up with her. I digested this info and figured okay so what I have two kids from my first husband, at my age most men would have kids.
That was over 6 years ago since then we got married & had kids of our own. Just two years ago SD the Wonderchild started EOW visits. Moosecow (BM) decided she needed a babysitter......oooops did I say that? I mean a Father for Wonderchild. Up until that point the CS was good enough. So at four wonderchild gets a Daddy & a couple of teen step siblings, a few young half sibs, step dogs & Daddys wife. Wonderchild for the first four years of her life was a only child, raised by two bitter men haters( Grandma moose lives with Moosecow & Wonderchild ). Yes we have had many issues.Yes this was a recipe for disaster.
I try and stay out of the drama, although every so often I get sucked in to the crazy town vortex from hell.I did wise up and cut all communication off with Moosecow over a year ago. DH is not liking dealing with Moosecow solo, thats too bad for him lol.


Storm76's picture

Hi smirked & welcome,

How do you get on with Wonderchild? Must have been difficult her coming into your lives so late on, especially if she'd been hearing horrid things about her dad.

You'll get good advice & loads of support on here when the dramas kick off, and believe me, you're definitely not alone!

smirked's picture

Thank you for the welcome Storm,

As Wonderchild gets older its getting harder. I try to ignore most of the things she says and does knowing where it is coming from, as long as it does not affect my kids in a negative way.

She has started to ask questions regarding why her Mom and Dad were never married & why she has no pictures of her and her parents when she was a baby. It is so sad to see her so confused. I dont give her answers, I suggest she ask her parents about these things. She wont ask her Dad, she seems to gravitate to females only.

How do I get along with her? To be truthful I get knots in my stomache EOW, it is not in my nature to ignore bad behaviour or be fake. EOW I have to do both. Sadly I cant say I love her yet and mean it, the strongest feelings I have for her is sympathy mixed with frustration.