Best way to respond when ss5 says "i want to go to BM" whenever DH or I discipline him
For the past few months (I think it's been almost a year now), whenever ss5 gets into trouble at our house, he would say "i want BM" or "I want to go to BM". It used to be far in between but now it's getting to the point where he pulls that shit almost every day, sometimes while I'm driving him and ss4 to school. In the past whenever he says that to me, I ignore him or walk away. DH on the other hand would cuddle him and say something like "you'll see BM tomorrow or you'll see BM in 5 days".
Last week, it was way past their bedtime and ss5 wanted to stay up and play. When i told him firmly for the 15th time to stay in his bed, he says "i want to go", I asked him: "go where?", he replied "I wanna go to BM", I then told him, ok you can go if you want. To that he quickly pulled the cover over himself and went to bed without a peep. DH lectured me later on about how I should not have told ss5 he can go to BM when he made the threat, that i should not have told him he can go to BM unless i was willing to follow up on that.
Last night it was 10PM and ss5 refused to go bed again! DH put him in timeout but he refused to stay in timeout, he ran to the closet, slammed the door while screaming at DH. Once he was out of the timeout, he said again he wants to go to BM. DH told him "that's not nice for you to say ss5, it's SM and daddy's turn to spend time with you and it makes us sad when you say you want to go to BM because you're mad at us."
The thing is, ss5 only says he wants to go to BM when he does't get his way at our house, otherwise he doesn't even mention her, unless it's to tells us he left his toys there or something. And 9 times out of 10 when DH goes to drop them off at BM's ss5 is sad the whole drive there and refuses to go into BM's house.It's not a hidden fact that BM babies ss4 to death while often ignoring ss5.
Any of you experienced this with your skids, how did you and your SO/DH handle it? ss4 usually copies whatever ss5 does and i want this stopped before ss4 start doing it. it's bad enough that one kid does it, it'll drive me further into insanity if both do it.
- smomof2's blog
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Its bedtime at your moms
Its bedtime at your moms house too.
Your mom would have put you in timeout too.
Adjust as needed to the situation.
When my SD17 was younger
When my SD17 was younger (around 12-14 years old) she used to say that a lot to my DH whenever she didn't get her way. My hubby used to talk to her about how it is better for her here, and she needs to address the situations rather than run from them. Once she tried that with me, and I said "well then go?" and pointetd to the door. Well that created this huge emotional upset where she was going on and on to my DH that she isn't wanted here (which wasn't what I meant at all - I just wouldn't give into the games) She never said that to me again.
Since your skids are younger, you could always try the an approach like "well I know you are mad but so am I. I don't want you to go there because we would miss you, and this is your home. But you need to behave here, and I know you can be better than you are right now." Just a thought.
That's a great idea. Thank
That's a great idea. Thank you. I now ss5 says he wants to go to BM not because he really wants to but it's a way of him trying to get out of doing something he doesn't want to do.
Just wait until he is older
Just wait until he is older and you can tell him to go and really mean it.