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The Flute

Smomof3's picture

SD14 comes to live with us last year. We get custody of both kids. Before DH even quits paying support, which he paid 3 months longer than necessary, BM calls to ask when we will start taking over SD flute payment of $30/month, which were 3 months behind. We just didn't respond...we pay for, clothes, braces, medical and she to date has paid not one penny of child support.

13 months later we get a phone call from the music store wanting money for the Flute which she hadn't paid on in 13 months. I explained that her name was on the contract and they needed to speak to her...she owes about $300. She called and called, finally leaving a message. She says we never told her we wouldn't pay for it so she assumed we were? What planet does she live on? Also, she said she'd tell SD14 that she couldn't be in Band because we didn't hold up our end...Excuse me?

She hasn't paid anything on braces, still owes book rental from 2 years ago and we let her claim SD on her taxes and she blew that money on a wedding for her and her new "wife". DJ, catered reception, big white dress...the whole nine yards.

She wants to point fingers and blame my DH who isn't the same man she was married to...they've been apart 10 years and we've been together 9.

Also, right or wrong, we became sick and tired of the kids griping about vacations, luxuries, etc. We let them know that our finances don't allow us to take vacations or buy alot of extras because we are the only ones supporting them. If she feels bad about that, maybe she should pay some child support. You'd think she could swing the court mandated $50/week. She said we throw it up to the kids whenever we have an arguement with them and make her look bad...if she was any kind of a parent she'd know that arguments with teenagers typically revolve around money in some way.


Smomof3's picture

BM has gone psycho. Found out she has no health insurance and she's off her bipolar meds.

hereiam's picture
