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BM swearing the kids to secrecy

Smomof3's picture

What is the deal with BM's having the kids keep secrets? It's not even good stuff,this one is just stupid.

My SS13 was sworn to secrecy not to tell us that his BM has an $800 cable/phone/internet bill that she can't pay. Like we care. Yeah, SD14 is there, but those things aren't necessities. It just makes me wonder what else she can't pay. The worse part is she lied ot him and told him it was a transfer fee becasue she moved...$800 is probably 4 months worth.

She really put the kid in a spot. I've taught him that anyone who asks him to keep a secret from his parents is up to no good. She used to do this all the time, but stopped for a while. Looks like she's up to her old tricks.


smdh's picture

McCrazy has SD8 lie to us about EVERY minor detail in their lives. It is insane. I think she thinks that we give a damn and she is harming us. She grills the kid on our lives so she must think we do the same. Truth is, we don't care about her boyfriends (or lack thereof). She has insisted the kid lie to us about going to church, for Pete's sake. Oh, and about showering. She told the kid if she tells us that mommy doesn't make her shower (which she doesn't - we have VISION you stupid bitch) that daddy will get really mad and hurt both of them.

Smomof3's picture

It is crazy and wrong. I'm just glad i'm not the only one in this situation. Her world is falling in because her big unrealistic job didn't pan out..duh. She'll be evicted or moving to a cheaper place before long.