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SMto5's picture

Why is it okay to hurt my feelings because in-laws dont want to hurt SK's feelings. Some of my in-law's did not come to my daughter's graduation party. She is not DH's bio-daughter. DH has been in our lifes for 9 years. And the one sister-in-law who did come. I noticed did not post it on Facebook. SIL is always posting on FB. Everywhere she goes and post pics all the time. But I noticed the night of my daughters grad party not one thing mentioned that she was at the party or not even one pic. In-laws are always so worried "we dont want to hurt his kids feelings" but dont care how it hurts mine.


smdh's picture

I'm consistently amazed at how some people think skids little egos and fees fees have to be protected at the cost of being (at best) aloof to others. It does nothing but teach them that they are special and that the world revolves around them.

I post pics of DS all the time on FB. Noone in DH's family ever acknowledges them even though he is DH's son, as well and they hardly ever see him. I posted one pic of SD last week and they were like moths to a flame posting about how beautiful she is (not) and how special she is to them and how much they miss her.

bi's picture

THAT pisses me off. when fdh and i were discussing having a baby, he said he didn't want sd, then 14, to feel "even more left out than she already does". excuse me? no 14 year old kid gets to make the decision about whether or not i have a baby! that's exactly what i told him. it's not about HER. it's about him, me, and a baby. well, i have bs4, so guess who won that one? }:)

SMto5's picture

OMG exactly, when I post things with DH, my kids and I. The in-laws comment nothing! And when I post a pic of the SK's..."OH HOW NICE" "SEND A COPY TO OUR MOTHER"

smdh's picture

I've come to the conclusion that they don't matter. They're missing out on a wonderful little boy. That is their loss.

bi's picture

the only fb issue i've had is that fdh's family thinks i'm not allowed to have my own opinions that may be different from theirs. i'm supposed to think fdh is wonderful and perfect and i'm blessed to have him, i'm not allowed to ever gripe about him in any way, and i have to think this house is a castle because it's where he grew up. i'm not allowed to be bothered by the fact that it's falling apart and he does NOTHING about it. that shit got them blocked. don't like what i have to say but won't block it? you'd rather keep reading and bitch at me about it? here, let me fix that for you. tada! all gone. }:)

as for pictures, sd would always whine about there not being any of her with bs4 on my page. she never said anything about how many i have of my kids, but i do think it bothers her, just based on how many times she suddenly had something to say to me right after i posted a pic. like she needed to remind me that she exists, too. her nasty msgs a couple months ago came right on the heels of me posting professional mother's day pics. hmm. interesting.

i think one of many bad reasons she got knocked up purpose is that she wants the family i have, so she's trying to create one of her own. it will never work. she will never be me. she will never be even a quarter of the mother i am. it cracks me up how upset she gets because i'm a mother to my children. for some reason, she expects more out of me than she does bm. maybe because she sees what kind of a mother i am, and she knows her mom is no mother at all. even so, it's not my job to pick up bm's slack. i don't understand why she doesn't get that.