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Closed FaceBook acct, Husband reacts

AVR1962's picture

Just over a year ago I joined FaceBook to moniter my teen daughter's acct. Soon I had inlaws I didn't want contact on, family I hadn't seen or talked to in years, school mates I hadn't seen in 30 years. I did connect with some good friends and have had alot of fun with my close friends.

But, the day after Thanksgiving I get a call from my oldest daughter (30) saying her dad called her (he and I have been divorced for 23 years) asking her if I was divorcing my husband and moving back to my home town...all based on a post I made. There was no relation to what I posted and what he asked, he is not even on my FaceBook as a friend. Checked my security and there was no way he could have seen it. Figured it was an old gossipy schoolmate.

I had issues with my family....things I was posting was going back to my Gma, of all people, twisted up to make me look bad.

I said enough, cut my family from my friend's list.....more than half of them I really can't say I even know. I cut all my inlaws from my friend list, I have not had contact with them in years. I cut all my old school mates that I didn't really know from my friend list.

I then got a email from my sister-in-law and her 27 year old daughter asking why, sister-in-law's daughter was saying I hurt her feelings and on and on which really didn't set well with me. I do not ever recall haing a conversation with my husband's neice and she is hurt? Really? she wasn't actively posting on my page. Am I missing something here.

I decided to deactivate my aacount because of all these hassles. Told my husband and without a word he got up and walked out of the room. Okay, so was I supposed to somehow be connecting to his famly thru FaceBook? Ugh!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

You know, it doesn't take a whole lot to look at someone's facebook (or myspace)account without being "friended". It doesn't matter what the privacy settings are either. People put sooooo much personal information out there and they don't even realize it! It's scary!

This, is how we found out SD24 was expecting, yet again. She had it on Facebook 3 full months before she told her father. Yes, her facebook friends are more important than her father. And, no, we are not "friends" on her account. I just found her account and checked it out. Nothing illegal as she put all of the information on there VOLUNTARILY for the whole world to see.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I deleted my Facebook profile over a year ago, and my family followed suit. It caused nothing but drama. Everyone on it was publishing the version of their life that they wanted everyone else to see. I'm a pretty private person and didn't really like people having any insight into where I was or what I was up to. I got tired of the BMs trying to friend me, people reporting back and gossiping about an update I posted, or asking me super personal questions on my wall.

I just live in realtime now.