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Why there are SKIDS

somewhatclueless's picture

History of it all? I guess that would go back to what I have been told. He and her met while working for the same company. They dated and found so much in common. She wanted the same things in life. To be loved and respected. They didn't want to have kids, him because of his religious upbringing and consiquences as a Jehovah's witness for choosing to leave the organized religion. She because of what she'd seen of her siblings and kids. She got the Depo shot for years, he paid for it without question because it was what they both had wanted and agreed on. One day she turns up pregnant and they have a son. We've all heard stories of how birth control failed and he assumes that's what happend..... until about 3 years later in counseling. When asked by the counselor what the deepest secret you carry is.... she replied that she didn't take the shot that time because she wanted to get pregnant so she could make sure there would be someone to love her forever. We live in Northern MN where I guess sometimes the normal laws just don't get you in trouble..... because within 6 months of meeting him we both went to the same counselor to ask the best way to integrate the kids together. I went out on a limb and asked about what I had heard and counselor confirmed.


MamaBecky's picture

That counselor should not be able to practice. What a breech of privacy! If they will do that to BM, they will do it to you. I would find myself a new and ethical counselor!

My DH was thwarted into fatherhood also. BM of SD14 was on the pill....took herself off of the pill and didnt tell my DH. He was blissfully unaware that pregnancy was an option.