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"Conscious Uncoupling" an interesting read

Sparklelady's picture

Too bad about Gwyneth and Chris... But the article she attached to her announcement called "Conscious Uncoupling" was quite intriguing. If only all the players in our lives were following this doctrine... Imagine how much nicer things could be!

Some of the points that stood out for me:

Sooner or later, the honeymoon ends and reality sets in. This is usually when we stop projecting positive things onto our partners and begin to project our negative issue onto them instead. Unfortunately, this creates a boomerang effect as these negative issues always come right back to us, triggering our unconscious and long-buried negative internal objects, which are our deepest hurts, betrayals, and traumas.

A conscious uncoupling is the ability to understand that every irritation and argument was a signal to look inside ourselves and identify a negative internal object that needed healing. Because present events always trigger pain from a past event, it’s never the current situation that needs the real fixing. It’s just the echo of an older emotional injury. If we can remain conscious of this during our uncoupling, we will understand it’s how we relate to ourselves internally as we go through an experience that’s the real issue, not what’s actually happening.

It seems ironic to say that a marriage coming apart is the cause of something else coming together, but it’s true. Conscious uncoupling brings wholeness to the spirits of both people who choose to recognize each other as their teacher. If they do, the gift they receive from their time together will neutralize their negative internal object that was the real cause of their pain in the relationship.

This process allows us to begin projecting something different into the world because we’ve regained a missing part of our heart.

Naturally, divorce is much easier if both parties choose to have a conscious uncoupling. However, your experience and personal growth isn’t conditional on whether or not your spouse chooses to participate. You can still receive the lessons he or she has to give you, resist being baited into dramatic arguments, and stand firm in your internal, spiritual support system. By choosing to handle your uncoupling in a conscious way, regardless of what’s happening with your spouse, you’ll see that although it looks like everything is coming apart; it’s actually all coming back together.

Here's the full article:


furkidsforme's picture

I'm sorry, but that is just a bunch of meaningless hoity-toity ramblings from a disgustingly rich woman who pays too many people to listen and agree to the bullshit that spills from her mouth.

It's all a bunch of wordy mumbo-jumbo of meaningless words made to make herself feel better and not admit she's just one of us- just a common woman in a bad marriage who can't make it work. Noooo, she's such a speshul snowflake that she is on a spiritual journey!!!! It's not that her hubby doesn't love her, or can't make her happy, or she can't make him happy, or maybe one or both are running around... NO it could not possibly be that!!!! It must be inner reflections of their deeper hurts reflecting back upon each other because BARFFFFFFFFF!!!!

OMG I hate entitled people. Here's a deeply moving message to Gwynn- You are just a woman and a man who can't make it work. So what.

JustAgirl42's picture

I didn't actually read the article, (I read a book entitled 'Uncoupling' years ago), but I don't believe it was written by Gwyneth.

I just had to say - Gwyneth - 'adorable' - ewwwwweeee!! K, done being mean. }:)

Sparklelady's picture

That's one of the points that caught my eye. It's true we all project sometimes... Thought they wrote about it in an interesting way.

bluehighlighter's picture


JustAgirl42's picture

I believe there is some truth to what the author is saying, and that some of it can be applied to certain situations, but I also think a lot of it is psycho-babbling.

"it’s never the current situation that needs the real fixing. It’s just the echo of an older emotional injury." ---to me, unless I'm misunderstanding something, that is kind of an ignorant blanket statement.

Johnny never puts his toys away - how is this not a 'current situation that needs to be fixed'? I've never had kids and never had a problem with this as a kid, so how is it 'the echo of an older emotional injury'?

To me, it's over-analysis for the purpose of being paid to write something. But hey, if it gets you thinking, what the hell.

JustAgirl42's picture

Unless you mean that chick sitting in a yoga pose, no. Biggrin

But I'm posting this a number of hours later.

askYOURdad's picture

Gwen and LeAnn should set up play dates for their kids. They both can sit around and talk about how wonderful divorced life is.

JustAgirl42's picture

Sure, past experiences can influence current emotional reactions. I think most people already know this though.

bluehighlighter's picture

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hereiam's picture

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