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O/T Dad's turning 60

starfish's picture

any ideas for gag gift or who has any great out door recipes (seriously out door ~~ on the boat with a grill)?


starfish's picture

i'm so sorry steperg.... i am blessed to have both of my parents still alive.... i have no living grand parents, but i am no spring chicken.... thank you for your suggestions..... i already got him that clock ~~ sold him short, but he does forget shit, so at least i can say "i get it honestly"

starfish's picture

i love seafood and pepper cheese.... that sounds great, definitely on my list of things to make, maybe even nacho style....

my current fave shrimp kabab ~~~ large shrimp (21-25/lb) wrapped in bacon (approx. 1/3 slice per shrimp), skewered, grilled till almost done, then baste with bbq sauce let sit on low so sauce sticks.... i LOVE that....

also awesome on scallops.... w/w/o sauce ~~ i just love the tang bbq sauce gives..

WindX's picture

Put 60 candles on the cake!

Since you'll have a grill, meat/veggie skewers would be good. Foodnetwork has an insert in their magazine with different combinations of skewers that you can make. If you go to their site and search for skewers, you can get the recipes free.

JustAnotherSM's picture

My grandpa used to have an apron that was the talk of every family gathering. It had an extra flap on the front that when lifted, exposed some fake "frank & beans". It was hilarious!