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o/t Royal Wedding

starfish's picture

This is not meant in any way to offend or hurt anybody's feelings. so, let's not go "flag offensive" crazy!

just wondering who all is tuning into the royal wedding???

i am definitley dvr'ing it in case i don't wake up, but i am so NOT buying memorabilia for it....

just so exciting, going from a country girl to a princess!! i didn't turn into a princess when i married, but i felt like one and wore my tiara proud!!


aggravated1's picture

My DD is dying to watch it. I will DVR it for later, but she wants to get up early to see it. It brings back memories of Princess Di's wedding. She seemed so sad at the end of her marriage, it was awful when she died right when it seemed like her life was working out for the better.

starfish's picture

oh, i know.... i happened to be awake when the crash happened and it was so sad!!!

i didn't even think about drinking during the wedding, but a bottle of champagne may be in order.... i just love champagne... dh hates it, but he loves shrimp cocktail.... i'm thinking i have a romantic brunch to plan....

2nd thought, fuck that, skids will be here to ruin it, like usual! Sad just champagne for sf!! Smile

starfish's picture

the tornado devastation is horrible.... the death toll keeps rising and it may go down as the worst tornado outburst in US history, right now it sits at #2... my heart hurts for the families!

aggravated1's picture

I have a friend in Alabama that posted on FB from her basement last night, but I haven't heard from her today, and I can't get on FB at work. I hope she is ok.

starfish's picture

thank god she had a basement. i couldn't imagine going thru a terror like that... hope she checks in soon. i'm sure she's ok, probably just trying to assess the situation and make a plan.

Auteur's picture

I was painting my kitchen/dining room the night of the accident. I remember it well.

But a wedding is far less depressing than a funeral. . .I think.

caregiver1127's picture

My mother and I got up at 3:30am when Princess Diana got married there was no DVR'ing back then - I was so in love with Princess Di and I too was up the night she was killed. I don't think what happened to Princess Di will happen to soon to be Princess Kate - she has been with Prince William for 8 years - they have lived together - when Princess Di got married they actually had a doctor check her to make sure she was a virgin - and I think after living with someone as long as Kate has we all know she is not a virgin -she also is much older than the 20 year old Diana was when she got married to a much older Prince Charles - there was no divorce in the royal family as well - now everyone seems to get divorced - it is a much different monarchy now -

So with all that being said YES I AM GETTING UP EARLY TO SEE THE WEDDING AND GETTING MY DAUGHTER UP AS WELL!!! I love that she is not going to wear her hair up like all the other royals and that William and Kate had a huge part in planning the wedding - the only creepy thing that I truly find about all of this is that she is wearing Princess Diana's engagement ring - I personally would have requested a huge rock!!! lol

majka's picture

Oh I think its awesome that she is wearing Princess Di's ring! I think it is very symbolic and sweet!

caregiver1127's picture

Sorry still find it creepy - and I would want my own ring not what someone else had worn in a very tumultuous and unhappy marriage that ended in divorce - I would think of all the bad karma and bad luck associated with the ring!! This is not a case where the mother is passing the ring along to the Daughter in Law from a great marriage and because he son can't afford another ring - Prince William can afford anything he wants!!

majka's picture

I am not getting up at 4 am to watch, but I will be up at 5 am so hopefully I will be able to catch the tail end of it, and of course they will be recapping it for months to come!! I am very very excited... the US doesn't have a royal family, so I am living vicariously though the brits!

starfish's picture

SH!T! AD is gonna get another one of my blogs deleted!! Wink

guess, the 'flag as offensive' happy group isn't up yet!

overit2's picture

I'll watch the recaps but wont get up early. I think it's exciting though. I actually like the idea of her having Lady Di's engagement ring -even if the marriage was bad. It's very symbolic to William as him and his mom were very close, a way to honor his mom I would assume?

I like the love story they have had. Can't wait to see the dress...I'm betting it won't be a big puff of ugly.

stayin_alive's picture

Smile Now, more than ever, we need a wedding!

In a time of economic downturn, natural/man-made disasters, war, and corruption---I am ready to put on a big, flowered hat, turn on the DVR, and ESCAPE TO FANTASY LAND! Take me AWAY TO BUCKINGHAM PALACE.

I watched the arc of Diana's life, and the night she was killed, the police helped me leave my abusive ex-fiance for the final time. Talk about coincidence.

Diana would have been about my age now, and I saw her go from a shy teenager to a glamorous fashion icon. I could barely watch those young boys walking behind their mother's coffin, but I did, and I cried my head off.

I am DVRing the whole thing, and my girlfriends are throwing an "English tea party" tomorrow night. Not planning to involve the step brats--I do enough for them, and the last thing I need is a big eye roll if I suggest making it some sort of bonding experience.

Life as a stepmom is hard enough without feeling guilty over enjoying a little vicarious glory. Yes, the royals are a bunch of spoiled aristocrats, but at the end of the day, we are all just prisoners of our emotions, good or bad. I say, let's just all celebrate our common humanity and take a day off from all the usual grief and irritation.

starfish's picture


"In a time of economic downturn, natural/man-made disasters, war, and corruption---I am ready to put on a big, flowered hat, turn on the DVR, and ESCAPE TO FANTASY LAND! Take me AWAY TO BUCKINGHAM PALACE."

overit2's picture

"at the end of the day, we are all just prisoners of our emotions, good or bad. I say, let's just all celebrate our common humanity and take a day off from all the usual grief and irritation."

Agreed-of course there are events that are bad everywhere. But a wedding/marriage should be a celebration and a moment to reflect on this in these times I agree is a good thing!

Not to get all religious but I go buy a verse that says "Rejoice with those that rejoice, mourn with those that mourn."

And also: "a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,"

So...we can be sad for those being hit with devastation AND celebrate a happy moment and rejoice with those that are celebrating. Marriage is so badly deteriorating these see that at some level it is still revered/celebrated (even if it's because they are royalty) makes me still have hope in humanity.

stayin_alive's picture

Smile LIKE "Rejoice with those that rejoice..."

No one would ever accuse me of being overly religious. But I definitely think some wisdom is timeless, i.e., "Rejoice with those that rejoice, mourn with those that mourn." Good advice on being a supportive presence, no matter what your faith.

And yes, marriage has taken a trouncing, as with so many other time-honored institution. I think I'm getting more conservative and sentimental in my old age because I long for clear boundaries and the niceties of yesteryear...

JustAnotherSM's picture

I'll be watching. I also felt like a princess on my wedding day which just happened to be April 29 - the same day as the royal couple! I think it will be romantic to watch a fabulous wedding on our anniversary. DH thinks I'm silly.

Most Evil's picture

I am getting up early too, I want to see it happen if possible! but did hear that Baba Wawa is having a 2 hr. special tomorrow night too, just in case I miss anything!

I loved Diana too and have enjoyed seeing her footage again, and thinking how happy she would be to see this. Am trying not to think of her as a BM now that I have been exposed to that! but I love that Kate is wearing the ring! but then I love sapphires is what it is too!

Oddly I pity Charles and Camilla and am glad they finally got to get married too. I think they all have grown since the bad old days.

I hope Will and Kate are very happy together.

We need something happy, for the world!! is what I told my dad about it.