Looks like I won't be telling him today
Wanted to tell him this morning but he got up at the crack of dawn to go to work (didn't know he was in this morning) so timing wasn't right. He'll be picking up ss12 on way home who we will have until late tomorrow night. Kind of confused, do I blurt it out while ss is in his room? He is surgically sown to my h on weekends? Or wait til he goes back to bm? Don't want to anger my husband by keeping him in the dark for too much longer either!! What would you do? Just to add when h left this morning he didn't even give me a peck on the cheek or say happy valentines day absolutely nothing just "bye" so feeling a bit emotional today as it is
- Starryeyed's blog
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I would wait until SS leaves.
I would wait until SS leaves. It's too early to mention it to the kid, ya know just in case the baby doesn't make it. Unfortunately it happens. If your DH can keep it to himself then you could tell him once SS goes to bed, but if you think he'll slip in front of SS, you should just wait until he goes back to BM.
Good idea. I was thinking of
Good idea. I was thinking of maybe putting the test into his valentines day card. Could maybe give it to him once ss goes to bed but didn't really want to tell him right before bed was hoping to do it early in the morning. Ideal time would have been before he went to get ss it's an hour drive so he'd have some thinking time
I would wait until SS was
I would wait until SS was asleep and would do as you suggested (test in card). I think this is the perfect day for such a revelation!
My card is so inappropriate
My card is so inappropriate for it... Lol I bought it ages ago it says to my husband you horny devil lets have a hot valentines day! I bought it online ages ago haha lol
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you may give that one to him, and tell him that it was your initial plan, but... and then hand him the test result, which you can fold and tie with thread like a parchment.

Either way, a positive test does nor exlude the initial plan...
Barely is what I would say.
Barely is what I would say. He's completely ignored valentines day. The first time in 4 years. It's a stupid holiday but one year he got me a packet of my favourite sweets and a magazine - I was delighted. Just don't feel excited telling him. He is cooking up a storm right. Ow and while there's dinner for me it's for skids benefit, he always cooks big dinners for them at weekends
Does the card sound ok? It's
Does the card sound ok? It's not too dramatic is it??
I've just written his card
I've just written his card .., it says "happy valentines day. Bought this card before I realized what would be going inside of it... I'm very scared right now, I guess we have a lot to sort out. I hope you're as happy about this as I am. Starryeyed x " how does that sound?? plan on giving it to him when ss goes to bed. I am totally freaking out now. He's realising something is up that I'm not drinking wine. He asked me in front of ss just said I wasn't feeling too good...
Thank you so much ss should
Thank you so much ss should be in bed in about an hour. Time to bite the bullet. Really appreciate the support today x
Thanks. Were watching a
Thanks. Were watching a shitty movie with ss at the moment can't even pay attention my heart is beating so fast!!