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Starryeyed's Blog

Saw the ugly side of my dh I haven’t seen in a while

Starryeyed's picture

Today was horrendous. My dh has been sick all week. Made a lemsip and left it in the hall. Went to work and forgot about it - I had no idea he had made it - was nowhere near him when he did. We live in a tiny two bed apt so the two babies have free roam once I know there’s nothing harmful. Poor baby girl pulled he cup down on herself when I was putting my ds shoes on. It’s a pretty bad second degree burn. We spent all day in the hospital getting it landed and back to see a plastic surgeon in the morning.


What would you expect of your teen skid?

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My baby girl just turned 1. We have ss every weekend and had mentioned she turned one on Wednesday. Of course we had no msg from him to wish her a happy bday. He answered when my dh rang him after telling him it was her bday which is more than he’s ever done for my ds 2.5 who he has purposely never answered a phone call on his bday.


Help me to disengage again

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I disengaged from ss years ago before my own bios were even born. But somehow I find that recently I am struggling with this again.


my ss15 still comes to ours every weekend. He is smelly and doesn’t wash. After 5 days straight with us last week I told my oh to tell him to get in the shower. It was vile and I couldn’t deal with it anymore. My oh thinks this is normal for teen boys and maybe it is but I think it’s just crap parenting on my ohs behalf.


Latest with ss

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Ss is now 15. Recently had big exams in school. 40 is a pass this kid got an average of 41-44 per cent in all of his exams. He’s not studying - every night husband rang him before his exams he was watching Netflix. This is from a kid who should be getting As in everything - he’s super intelligent so very different to him just not being able. Every comment from his teachers was a lack of effort. He actually got an F in one subject because he never even handed in a project and it’s project based. 

Improving low self esteem?

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After nearly 33 years on this earth, the most of which with poor self esteem, is this possible to improve?

I've always had low self esteem, low moods and social anxiety. This led to boderline alcoholism in my twenties, really bad period of my life which I regret massively and adds to my low self esteem now.

How to deal with this behaviour?

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Ss is 14 and his behaviour is becoming increasingly more difficult to live with. We have ss every weekend and I'm back in work so I live for my weekends to spend some quality time with my lo - ss has had a negative impact upon our household for months now.

At first it just started with the usual moodiness and hormones.
I left it go even through he was getting cheekier and cheekier.
But now it's elevated to a whole new level that it really does affect me even wanting to be anywhere near ss.

Just a few examples: level of entitledness:

Thinking of leaving my husband

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I honestly feel like I just can't do it anymore which makes me sad because my dh is a good man who is just trying to do everything for everyone. I just feel like I've had enough though. My ss 13 lives an hour away. My dh does all drop offs and collections and we have him every Saturday early morning until Monday morning at least. Sometimes more. I don't know when bm actually sees her son when he is in school because he stays in gbm on Friday nights. Anyway...

Feeling so lonely

Starryeyed's picture

I met dh five years ago when we both worked in the Middle East. Two lost souls (I was only 26 yo at the time) and after two years we moved back to our home country. While I had met dh son it was a real shock moving back and having his son around every weekend. For the past few years this has not changed , it is very wearing. Anyway we moved back to dh city which is about 3 hours away from my family. For a while that was ok but now that we have had bs 6 months we want to start putting down roots.
