O/T Pregnant? Will you ladies who've had your own kids give me advice please?
Hey guys, I need some advice. I've always been on The Pill - taken it religiously until this past month. To make a long story short, I wasn't able to receive my new pack until about two weeks after I should have already started taking it again and FDH and I weren't as careful as we should have been. So now I'm sitting here about 6 days after I calculated that I should have started my period. I don't really have many pregnancy symptoms, but just wanted to see if anyone else experienced what I'm eperiencing and ended up pregnant: I do get nauseated sometimes, but it's not chronic and I haven't thrown up from it, I keep cramping to the point where I thought I was going to start the other day but still nothing, I did have a bit of a bloody discharge (sorry if TMI), but it was just once and not a whole lot.
What do you ladies who have had your own children think? I guess I should go out and buy a home pregnancy test. I'm just scared to, and I'm scared to say anything to FDH (he wouldn't be mean about it, but I don't want to stress him out until I'm sure either way).
Anyway, thanks for the advice! I hope you all have a good weekend!
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Do a test. You'll feel better
Do a test. You'll feel better having results. I was nauseated within three days of getting pregnant last summer. But, worrying about it could cause you to alter how things go, too if you aren't.
Yep, go get a test. Every
Yep, go get a test. Every pregnancy is different from the next. Id just go to the pharmacy & get a test like the EPT clear digital. They are pretty accurate!
Best of luck!!
I'd take a test, but ALL of
I'd take a test, but ALL of my babies gave me false negative tests.
Soemtimes, coming off the pill causes things to be a little wonky. I guess if you're not ready for a baby, try to be more careful next time
Try not to stress.
Do the test. Pink dye is
Do the test. Pink dye is better. Or even better yet, a digital yes or no one.
I was SO sure I wasn't pregnant because I had cramps (took Plan B for the accident) and it felt just like the one's I get before my period. I started a little nausea, but I had a weak stomach to begin with. I took the test on the day my period was supposed to come because DH wanted to make sure before I went binge drinking that night.
Well, it was a big fat positive. I couldn't believe it and stared at it uncomprehendingly before freaking out.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your advice. I didn't start taking my pills late b/c I was just going to wait until after my period to begin again like usual. I know that sometimes quitting the pill can make you skip a period, although I have stopped taking it a few times in the past and always started my period again right on time. I actually haven't been stressing about things until this morning....sigh. Now is not the best time to have a baby, but if I turn out to be pregnant we'd both be excited and keep it - we're getting married in April though and I'd be bummed if I looked knocked up in my dress. It fits perfectly right now, lol!
Ok - reading your responses has made me feel better. I'll go buy a test later today and take it first thing in the morning. I'll keep yall updated!
Sometimes if you don't start
Sometimes if you don't start the new pack as usual, it will reset your cycle. If you're not pregnant, use back up birth control until after your next period.
I will, thank you. I've been
I will, thank you. I've been taking prenatal vitamins for several months now for a couple of reasons. 1: because of the combination of a bunch of vitamins (and I am deficient in some of them), also b/c we're getting married in a couple months and I thought the biotin would help with my hair and nails 2: When I talked to my lady doctor a few months ago I told him that we would be wanting to start a family within a year or two so he encouraged me to go ahead and stay on the prenatals to help prevent birth defects. I also got my blood tested to make sure I'm still immune to rubella.
Right now is not the optimal time to have a baby, but if it turns out I am pregnant, then that'll be ok - just a bit earlier than planned. I just bought a test and am planning on taking it in the morning. I'll let yall know. Thank you for all the comments and advice; I really appreciate it!
Well, good news all! I took
Well, good news all! I took the test this morning and it was negative
I would love to have my own baby, but a year from now would be better than now. So anyway, I remain StarStuff: Party of One.