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Our relationship is over..

Stellarejbmom's picture

As with my previous posts. My 7.5 year relationship has come to an end. 

What started this, a cut up box. 

My now former SO was yelling at his kids about their rooms being messy and how they haven't box anything up. The idea was to start packing up stuff to get ready to sell the house. While I was getting my 3 DD to take a nap, her father came over with the " box " and show it to her and asked her if she cut up the box and tape aluminum foil on it. She looked at it, and shyly said yes. I looked at it, and honest to God,  I do not believe she did it. The box had a almost precise square like cut, he says that she cut it with scissors and cut up aluminum foil and taped the other hole.  Being around her, it doesn't make sense how she would do that, especially cutting a square like hole with scissors and that box was pretty thick to cut through. He questioned his boys and they told him no, they didn't do it. And he being them. I didn't think it was fair to put the blame on her. It didn't make sense. 

We got a major argument after that. And told me to pack my s*** and get out. Move to my parents house.  After every thing throughout the last few years and I packed up my stuff and my daughter stuff.  


Lillywy00's picture

That doesn't make sense how a 3 year old would be able to cut up a box but regardless neither of y'all saw who did it, the older kids probably did it, however the younger kid admitted to it so it that's what it is. 

Never stay where you aren't wanted. 

Your intuition has been telling you this dude ain't right so time to start listening to yourself and trusting yourself. You stayed too long trying to figure it out and he made the decision for you by not marrying you after a kid, numerous hours of FREE skid labor him/his ex were to lazy to do, 7.5 years dealing with his trifling tail, then ruthlessly kicking you/his youngest kid out in the cold winter. 

To h3ll with him!!!

Sue his a$$ for the max child support (same day as move out) and keep it pushing. 

Move somewhere long distance if you really want to make it expensive/hard for him to involve your kid in his dysfunction 

Catmom024's picture

Hmmm.  That sounds like something you would need quite a bit of hand strength to cut through.   Regardless,  you are SO LUCKY you and your daughter have somewhere to go.   Please...take this opportunity while you still have it.  I have absolutely no one to help me and nowhere to go.   You have help.  Please take it. 

CLove's picture

And visit an attorney. Get that child support lined up. Grieve later. Get your tribe together.