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Update on (what I thought was) Grissest SS ever

step off already's picture

I pick the kids up from school. Ss13 asks if he can have friends over this weekend. I remind him of our plans and say to all the kids that rooms and upstairs livin. Rooms must be cleane before any guess can come over. I also mention tht we will be having a family meeting the next night to discuss our home and rules.

We get home. SS immediately takes out his garbage (which I'm sure has his two bottles of pee in there because I left them outfit him. Dh gets home minutes later and heads right up to ss13's room.

I hear dh tell ss no more water updtairs and no more drinks after 7. Dh reports back to me that SS was scared. Scared!? He tells me that if it happens again the video game system will be gone.

Ok. So I had a feeling that it might have to do with him being scared but come the fuck on!!!! The kid is 13 and a half and is too scared to leave his room at night to use the bathroom that is literally right next to his room. Less than a foot away!!!!

How do you help a kid not to be scared? And he's scared of zombies. He thinks they're real. Dh put some Zombie Apocalypse Early Response sticker on the car and the kid freaked out that we would be hunting zombies when the end of he world came


step off already's picture

My DH seems to think its funny that his kid is a "nerd" - as he calls it. I keep telling dh that it's not normal and he needs to help him overcome these things.

How do you even approach this?

Willow2010's picture

Nerd? SS issues have nothing to do with being a nerd. WOW.

I am sorry, I have no advice. Not sure how to fix something like this...

step off already's picture

I agree. He definitely has anxiety. Last fall dh and I left to get dinner while SS was home alone working on his homework. It was dark by 5 due to the time of year. Dh an I literally just ordered and SS called us near year's because the puppy went outside and he was too scared to go outside in the dark to find him.

Dh nearly lost it.

hismineandours's picture

My ds14 is sort of a nerd. He has a 4.0. That's what makes him sort of a nerd. He doesn't pee in bottles.

If his anxiety is TRULY so great that he must pee in a bottle at night then he needs to see a therapist and perhaps get on some medication asap-because that would certainly indicate a severe case of anxiety.

step off already's picture

Unfortunately, DH had a tendency towards being a manly man and looks down on weakness. Since bm was not around there was never anyone around to counteract/balance that very masculine view point.

He thinks his son is a "nerd" since he doesn't play sports, barely has friends, plays video games whenever he can, etc, etc.

step off already's picture

All te kids have personal bed lights atached to the wall right by their beds. My boys and daughter tend to fall asleep with theirs on. Dd will turn hers off in the middle of the night if she wakes up. I assume SS does the same but I don't go into his room.

The hallway and bathroom both have might lights as well and SS always makes sure to put the stair light on - which is right outside his door.

Drac0's picture

SS used to be scared of EVERYTHING. This kid could not go to sleep without 4 sources of lights on in his room. Even then he was still scared. Believe it or not, things changed rather drastically when zombies became a bit of a fad. He keeps asking me when "The Walking Dead" is going to start up again. Suddenly zombies were cool and my SS has shown a 180-degree switch. A year ago, he wouldn't even come anywhere near my DVD horror movie collection. Just looking at the jackets would give him nightmares. Now he peruses through my library asking me questions like "Is this movie scary as in 'jump-scares' or is it 'creepy-scary'"?

Believe me, if my SS can turn his fear factor around, any kid can.

step off already's picture

SS is seeing a therapist and this is definitely something that we will mention to her.

SS is extremely scared of the dark. When've is here 1-2 nights a week when my kids are at their dad's which means has the entire upstairs to himself. He always asks if he can sleep downstairs on the small couch outside our bedroom door. Dh has allowed it in the past but Ive put my foot down.