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closing ceremonies

Step mad's picture

We are watching Olympic closing ceremonies, with ss15, he decided to take a break from 4 straight hours of video games, he is letting us know how it is about being a good Athelete, and every thing else under the sun. He is so smart,(D-average ). I like it better when he plays video games in his room.


Onefootout's picture

I'm with you on the video games. And I absolutely cannot watch TV with SS17. Now that the xbox has been removed from the living room I now like it when SS17plays his marathon video games in the back of the house.

Tuff Noogies's picture

LMAO Bunny i wish i had the fortitude to do that! if i even came close i'd get called out on it "can't you be nicer to them? i dont want them to hate it here because of your comments."

GAWD i wish i could!!! that would be hilarious w/ ss10. i tested it this weekend- EIGHT SECONDS. the kid can't go eight seconds without interrupting. EIGHT DAMN SECONDS. i had it paused, and when he stopped talking you could hear the ticking of the clock very clearly. EIGHT. DAMN. SECONDS.

sad thing is tho', poor kid really has no actual ability to control himself.

Step mad's picture

Thanks for your comments my fellow stepparents, it's good to know I'm not alone in this battle