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...listening skills

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Lord sometimes I think I'm taking crazy pills.

I think that I make my questions and points pretty clear. I'm usually well worded and thought out, but for some reason that seems to confuse people lately, especially if I don't dumb it down and just ask YES or NO questions. But damn, I ask a question both DH or SD17, even the SS18, and they literally are lost if it's more than one sentence.

"We may be going out of town this weekend. Are you with your BM this weekend?"

The answer I get back: "I work."

::smacking head into monitor::

What further bothers me is that that side of the family doesn't take the initiative to go one step further when asked things. I said "I know you work, are you with your BM this weekend?"

Her response "I think so."

In my head - I would want to find out for sure if I am or not... but they don't do that. If it wasn't for me being a nosy planning type, everything would be last minute at 5pm on a Friday with "aren't you picking me up, BM said its my weekend with you."

Sad thing is, even after my bitching over the last 6 years, they have the memory of a gnat. I've begged, pleaded, freaked out over picking up after themselves, picking up your wet towels off the floor. You'd think you wouldn't have to reinforce it, but I still walk into the bathroom to see a wet towel thrown into the corner. That puddle of water on the floor? No, they don't see it. Someone else magically cleans it up anyway.

They get it from their DH. The other pet peeve must be a man thing. I literally can say something, and he will re-word it like he came up with the idea. I literally will say - you realize I just said that? and he will stare at me blankly.
