...selfish: thinking only of oneself
...I'm so happy that the school year has started. Thankfully this time our summer went relatively drama-free, compared to summers past.
Sure, all teenagers are selfish. This one learned it straight from the demon BM. This selfishness personally goes beyond a normal teen mood swing.
BM tried to start with the give-me money now tirade a month & 1/2 before school was to start. BM/DH have an agreement that they are both to provide $250 each towards school clothing for both kids. Although he put his foot down and said "unless the kids are hurt, I will not accept any calls from you", she then continued with her mind-f**k of SD16 and got SD16 involved in asking him for the school clothes money. Nice.
Both kids are of age to get their driver's permits, although our state at the age of 16 requires that you have 6 hours of private instruction in order to take your road test to get your license. At 17, you wait 6 months after your permit, drive with a parent, and take the road test. SS17 was in no hurry when he was 16 to get his permit because he knew it would cost money. He waited until 17. SD16, doesn't care. I want private instruction. No one says - earn it then. Granted, she finally gets a part-time job, but that's to fund whatever extras she wants.
A few weekends ago, SD16 dictates to DH that she doesn't want to hear his excuses, that both her parents said she would get the private instruction. DH just says - it's on your mom, I won't pay for it, I pay enough weekly as well as pay over and above for the things she wants to do (movies, shopping, etc.). Disrespectful little thing decides she will silent treatment him and pout and do whatever. She doesn't get what she wants, but no one EVER addresses the behavior. DH and I have tension because I say point blank - it's not ok and I won't kiss her ass or be nice to her even if it doesn't have to do directly with me.
SD16 texts DH on Sunday asking for money for school clothes again. He says, I've already given you and your brother money and right now I can only give $50 - and remember I just bought you guys school shoes last weekend, and you're asking for money every week just about. Go to drop it off, and he asks her: why is it you respond to me when it comes to money but when I text or call to see how you're doing you have no time for me? She responds "I'm busy".
It took everything in my being to want to crawl through the window at her.
My husband suffers from a debilitating disease, and recovery from a back surgery. SS17 ALWAYS helps and makes sure he's ok. SD16 NEVER asks, hey, dad... how are you today? Never helps around the house, trashes her room, offers nothing. She literally will ask for money while he's writhing in pain. Help me, give me, do for me...
Of course she calls asking for a ride home from work tonight, because her mom is too busy to help out, which is fine. Sadly, I say things as it is to DH and piss him off in the meantime. I said of course she called you - she needs something... otherwise you'd never hear from her. I say, I get that it's hard when she gives you attitude and the silent treatment because all you want is her love so you put up with more as a result... and get trampled over in the process because of your generosity and how you overlook EVERYTHING. He's in pain again today and wore out... but is sooo happy she asked him.
We struggle weekly to make sure our bills are covered. BM shops weekly, is buying new furniture, you name it. I look at the cheap WalMart shoes I bought knowing I can't really splurge on new shoes anytime soon. SD16 gets $80 boots, $100 sneakers, probably about every 4 months. I haven't had a nice pair of shoes in 4 years. Jealous? Yeah, a little. I know I signed up for some of this. I could handle it better if I knew she was more appreciative of what she has. Rare to hear a thank you.
Before this latest conversation, he literally rationalized all of it with "I only have to truly deal with this for 2 more years, she's a junior now, so...".
This is one of the strongest men I know - the type that speaks up when others are unfairly treated, speaks up for fairness, for rules, etc. But when the DH and SD16 is involved...sometimes I see him just lay down and take it for the sake of his children.
I don't have children so I have absolutely no idea what makes one flip the switch like this. I think I couldn't allow my own children to treat me this way, and they would have to alter their behaviors. They literally would get nothing but what they needed to survive until they learned to appreciate and respect that things are not just handed to them. This family (BM/DH) is mostly about avoiding consequences, not having to work hard for things (i.e. you OWE me), and never discussing emotion.
But I'm the bad guy for pointing it out, when if others in my life were treating me poorly my DH would be the first to say something.
I'd act this way to him to see what happens, and then if he calls me out on it say - well, it works for others, why can't it work for me? Then would be told I'm being immature and she's just a poor-wittle-teenager... bullsh*t. She's learned some manipulative ways. You see it in her friendships and her attitude. Even his family takes note and wants to say something but feel it's not in their place. But then again, some of their family is the true co-dependent enabling types that justify people's behavior rather than saying change your attitude, or face the consequences (and follow through with it).
I just vent... knowing nothing will change. I speak up, nothing changes, I bottle it in, nothing changes. Sigh.
- Step Up's blog
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Talk to/PM StepAside. Her SDs
Talk to/PM StepAside. Her SDs are grown women and their feelings of entitlement are through the roof. I don't have any advice for you but I'm sorry you and your DH are going through this, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. SD is too, because it sounds like she will have to learn some things the hard way. When she gets fired and/or cussed out for her attitude and disrespect for someone, I hope and pray she will wake up and realize she needs to change her behaviors and attitude.
Agreed. I know that at some
Agreed. I know that at some point, she will get knocked down VERY hard by reality, by someone not in her family, and perhaps that will resonate more than anything we could do. I know that many talks by my own mother over other things in life never sank in until I learned it on my own. Sad thinking that I hurt her time and again in the process.
Thank you for the kind words, as always.
Ur dh doesn't have to buy
Ur dh doesn't have to buy crap! All he HAS to do is pay CS that is it! He needs to take all extras away for a while til they get their attitudes straight! If they don't too bad he isn't doing them any favors by paying for all that crap while you guys are suffering.
His answer to them should be this "sorry I pay CS and I can't afford to buy all those extras as my bills are taking the rest of my money" End of story. The problem is he has let it go on for all this time and the kids gets worse and expect more and more as well as is ex. It will not get better it will only get worse.
You need to for your own financial future have to do something to stop this. Especially since you aren't even buying yourself shoes! I mean come on!! Enough already.
This sounds extremely
This sounds extremely familiar for what is going on with my SO (I, also, have no child rearing knowledge of my own to fall back on). He's really trying to find his footing with brainwashed/entitled SD14 (his adopted sd) from BM#2 (psycho). Turning the coin- his bio son, SS14 from BM#1 (not psycho) and he are tight. SS14 calls/texts at least nightly and usually multiple times a day opening with "What are you doing?" and generally wanting to chat! (I find this AMAZING for a teenage type) and this on top of taking the initiative and doing chores without having to be asked multiple times, if at all. BM#2 disallowed their closeness when SO was with her and I do everything I can to show that I promote this.
I would do this with SD too, but she, on the other hand, repeatedly posts on FB how she can't trust him or how much he disappoints her...and he tries so HARD! She needs to get off the cross because we're gonna need the wood to build a bridge over the crap she heaps on. He asked her how he could get her to help around the house and she said that she would respond better to punishment when she does wrong rather than reward when she does well. This is just setting him up to be the bad guy! In the next breath, she turns around and says that he favors SS14...wtf?!?! He is being rewarded for good behavior...that's what that looks like!
How does a parent reward good behavior in one child and make a point to the one with issues that it could be the same for them?! (I'm asking for my SO because this is his gig
My SO is the same way as yours~strong sense of disgust around injustice. Well, I have it too, and I have a SERIOUSLY nasty taste in my mouth sometimes~and sometimes swallowing the words I want to say honestly makes my stomach hurt! I told him yesterday (because we're actually moving in together) that I understand WHY she is the way she is, but I don't know if there's anything we can do to help except help pay for good counselling. I told him that I have never -and do not plan to -welcome emotional-vampire type behavior in my home and I will not put up with ANYONE treating someone I love poorly. It is his job to be her parent, so at this point, I am sharing my thoughts with him. I am thankful that he's listening, but she plants guilt in his path like it's freekin' magic beans!