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Piggybacking on the Karma Blog

Stepdrama2020's picture

I agree we don't always see the "karma" as we would  like to, especially after we have been wronged. However,  the misery they have caused may in fact be bestowed upon them. In this case it is frumpy hippo BM. The adulterous whore who cheated with my sleazy DH. Shame on both of them. May their days be cloudy and miserable. Now BM can be in second place to the snotty princess, again, cause that helped to end their first marriage.

I witnesssed Karma, or at the very least the same f*cked up pattern my soon to be ex husband creates.

I am going through my divorce. I had a spoiled snotty mini wife SD23, who treated me like I did not exist. Her goal was to break us up and have her parents back together. She won! Well, NO I WON! 

My soon to be ex DH ran circles around his spoiled princess. He still does, that is something that will always be with the emotionally incestuous duo. When I kicked ex DH out he ran straight back into BMoppotomus arms. More like snotty SD arms, but whatever. 

Last Saturday night I took a stroll down Main Street. I live in a smallish town. Kind of felt sad as I walked by our favorite restaurant. We would go there for special occassions. I look in, and who do I see?  Snotty SD and my soon to be ex. Guess they were on a "date" as frumpolicious sat at home eating donuts in despair. Aapparently she did that in their marriage when she was feeling ignored by her husband . I first felt sad, then anger, then actually pity for frumpy BM. That didnt last long, she did cheat with too f*cking bad ! Hope she remembers to wipe the chocolate from the corners of her fat mouth. Anyways, that would still be me if we had stayed together. My DH wining and dining the princess while I sat home. Except what ended us was that he invited BM not me to the snots birthday dinner. Now BM is not even there .  Trying not to laugh.

So that is BM's KARMA....nothing has changed for her. Hope my soon to be ex is deliriously happy with his mini wife. Hope BM is happy too, taking back a heartache.  



Dovina's picture

You are so much better without this in your life.

Best of luck on your next chapter. I hope it is filled with happiness. 

Karma works in mysterious ways.


Stepdrama2020's picture

Thank you. I hope so. It will take me a while to trust again. I was with him for ten years. I cannot go back, but forward. 

queensway's picture

Yes please move forward. You do know life is always changing. Nothing stays the same. Do what makes your life better. Go for it!

Stepdrama2020's picture

Thank you I will try.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

No, hon. YOU won. You are on your way out and away from this toxic caca. Yes, it hurts now. But the future can be onward and UPWARD. Your choice. {{{hugs}}}

Peach's picture

I am sorry that you are going through this, but you are the one that ultimately won.  What a sick situation!  He is disgusting.

Stepdrama2020's picture

are wonderful. Thanks for all your comments.