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OT - Fire Marshal

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

So this morning, on my way to work I went and stopped at the convenience store, after I pulled out of the store, I have about 4 miles until I reach my office. After parking my car, there was a truck pulled up almost behind my car, not in a spot, but basically in the through way of the parking lot. A man gets out of his truck, says he is a Fire Marshal (of the town I work in) and as a courtesy he was telling me that I was speeding down the road I just got off of. I said okay, thank you. I was totally taken off guard and so when he asked if I had my license, I said of course and then he asked if he could see it. Not thinking because 1. I am trying to get into work, 2. Off guard because this is a fire marshal not a police officer, I did give him my license. He went into his truck for a minute, then comes back and say "please slow down," gives me my license and gets back into his truck and leaves.

Afterwards, I was angry at myself for not asking the man what he needs my license for and for not paying attention to his truck to figure out what fire house he is from. He was wearing a blue uniform with a patch on the shoulder with the symbol relating to fire departments. Anyway, anyone know if this is something they legally can do? I do know, he asked to see my license and I did give it to him, so that is totally on me. But I feel like since he went into his truck he took a picture of it or something and I also feel like he abused his power because I have no idea what he can and cannot do as a fire marshal, didn't give me his name or show me anything, and took advantage of me not knowing my rights. Maybe I am just naive about the subject? 


**Update: I called the non emergency number and spoke to the operator, they then informed me if this ever happens again about I have the right to ask for their badge number, their name, call the police to ensure they are in fact someone, etc. and not so much lectured me more of informed me and next time to make sure I do x,y, and z. Then they directed me to the town's fire marshal's office. 

I talked to first the operator then someone in the office, who now is calling the chief of the battalion to see if they know anyone matching my description, see if anyone ran my plates, see if anyone was in the area during that time. So either the chief or this woman will get back to me about it. 

Apparently some fire marshals do have police power, but until the identify the individual they won't know. Then from there if they do, did they follow procedure because they never identified themselves past being a fire marshal, did not have a badge or name identification on their shirt. So lots of up in the air on this. The woman also gave me similiar information on my rights and such, which I appreciate.

They probably all think I am an idiot because I did not ask these questions, did not observe everything they asked me, etc. Best case scenario, this guy has police powers, but fucked up the procedure and now I know. Then worst case scenario he is impersonating a fire marshal and now he has a lot of my info :x. Didn't even have my coffee yet at this point so was so not on my A game.


SteppedOut's picture

I do not think he has the authority to ask for your license for a SUSPECTED moving violation. I say suspected, because, unless things are different in your town, fire marshals are not issued speed detection devices.

If it was me, I would report it. Will it go anywhere? Probably not, but I would want it put on the record in the event this guy keeps overstepping his boundaries.

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

I just totally was not in my head at the moment this all happened and really haven't felt right about it since it happened which to me also tells me it wasn't right

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

I did not get his name or his fire house, my thought was to call the non-emergency number of the police department and make a report

lieutenant_dad's picture

This. Tell them someone identified themselves as a fire marshall, give a full description of the truck, what he looked like, etc, and ask that they go check your home for a break-in. I'd also call all the local fire department headquarters and see if they have a fire marshall who matches that description.

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

live in an apartment complex, that you have to be buzzed in to get into. Not saying that it is impossible for my home to be broken into, but at least there is that protecting me a little bit.

lieutenant_dad's picture

"Hello, I am Fire Marshall Tom and I am here to see OP at 124 Main Street Apartment B. She isn't answering and I have reason to suspect she may be home. Can you please buzz me in?"

Not trying to freak you out, but I'd also let your security folks, neighbors you trust, etc know.

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

bluntness on what the severity of the situation could end up being. 

Luckily, I am home maybe a day, max two a week and I won't be there at all this weekend so hopefully gives things a chance to get answers before Monday when I will be home next, but will definitely take next steps regarding my security in the mean time. 

tog redux's picture

Look on your town website - there may be someone there you can contact.  Or the non-emergency number. They might be able to tell you whether he has that authority, but I don't believe he does.

It's not unheard of for people with badges to misuse their authority to rape women, which is why it makes my skin crawl.

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

Yeah I did some googling of it all trying to figure out what authority a fire marshal has. All I could find is that some are "sworn police officers" and that "at or in the vicinidity of a fire can act as a peace keeper" which there was no fire or close fire. Plus the fact that he didn't identify himself with his name doesn't make me believe he has the authority either

lieutenant_dad's picture

You can also try googling "Fire Marshall X Town Name" and see if you can find a picture of the guy. A lot of smaller towns will post pictures of folks in higher ranks so you know who they are. If you can find him that way, then you can report him to his department.

thinkthrice's picture

Tell him there is a dude impersonating an official (fire marshal) and asking women for driver's licenses (to find out where women live)

Sounds extremely suspicious.  Fire Marshalls don't do this type of thing.

susanm's picture

^^THIS^^^   You can get a blue shirt with a patch on it anywhere.  My guess is that this guy is NOT the Fire Marshall.  (Even if he was, Fire Marshalls do not have that authority.)  I strongly suspect that he is a career criminal who has been caught before and knows not to impersonate a police officer so he went with something else that might get women to give him their drivers licenses.  Local law enforcement needs to know that they have someone actively targeting women.  

This guy now knows where you work and live.  Please be cautious.

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

I am hoping that is not true, but hopefully soon will get some answers!

SteppedOut's picture

I just read your update. Do NOT "feel bad" about this. It can be very unnerving to be approached in such a manner, especially if you have anxiety and/or have ever been a victim of abuse. 

SUPER happy to hear that your report did not just fall on dead ears and this is being looked into and taken seriously! 

stepgirlfriendfurmom's picture

that I am smarter than I acted this morning. As soon as I went inside my work building, I was like why the fuck did not not ask x,y, and z and why did you just comply with handing over your license. I knew afterwards it really didn't feel right. However, if it ever happens again I will absolutely know what to say/ask. 

Thank you, me too! Everyone I talked to was very nice, had questions, and listened. I did not feel at all that I was not taken seriously. So I will update what comes from it!

notarelative's picture

Call the police and make a report. If he approached you outside the convenience store, they might be able to identify him using the store security video.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

The guy has your address...he could be waiting for you onthe way home...he could be working with someone else who will be waiting...he may be a sex traffic abducter...have the police pull the store security camera and track this guy down.  If he is a real fire marshall that should not be too difficult. Check all the local fire departments until you find him.  Then file a complaint that he did not identify himself properly.  Have a friend or coworker or the real police follow you home and go inside for a safety check of your building.  Notify all your neighbors and apartment office about this.  Do not dismiss it lightly.  Be cautious.  Stay safe. Let us all know you get home safe and continue to be vigilant in the coming days.  There are very bad people out there.  You were targeted for a reason.  If you were speeding he should have given you a ticket or written warning if he had the authority to do so.  He likely took a photo of your license. I may be watching too much Criminal Minds and Law and Order...but this is exactly the way the scum prey on people. Be safe!


Winterglow's picture

I'd definitely go to the police about this. It may not have been a problem for you but then again, they may already have a case forming about this guy and any input would be welcome.