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Dreading Weekends

stepkate's picture

This morning Mr. Kate asked me if I was in a good mood today.

I said "Yeah, so far...don't screw it up."

Weekends have become a point of stress for me. It usually starts Wednesday when he finds out that he has to work on Saturday, which is when I make up some fake plans so he won't ask me to look after FSD10...then I wait until Friday and awkwardly remind him to ask his mom if she can watch FSD. FSD comes over Friday and Mr. Kate asks his mom to show up Saturday morning at the exact time I say I have to leave, and she arrives not a minute earlier (almost like she doesn't want to watch FSD either). All of this for about four hours to myself, when Mr. Kate comes home and FSD is already calling to come back (or his mom is calling to drop her off).

This sets me up to have a lot less patience for the next day and a half of "Make me something to eat!" (I hope he gets tired of that soon), "Can I watch TV/get changed/bug you/sleep in your room?" that I usually crack on him before Monday morning when we drop her off on the way to work.

Yeah, I know we need to talk about my personal space/time issues, but usually that ends up in a fight, too.


starfish's picture

i hate skid weekends, too...... also starts on wed, b/c we have them wed and then their back friday thru monday am :sick:

Willow2010's picture

Oh the good old days. What I would give to go back to dreading ever weekend or every other weekend!!! I used to feel the same way.

BUT, a few months after we FINALLY got married, BM sent SS to live with us FULL time. That was 6 month ago and he has not went to visit her one freaking time.

So I say to you...enjoy it now, cause it may get worse.

Sorry to be such a stick in the mudd, but this is a sore subject to me right now. lol

stepkate's picture

Lol, we do have FSD10 every weekend. There is no formal custody arrangement, so she comes over whenever she wants, which is every weekend and 2 or 3 nights a week. And when I say nights, I mean we pick her up on the way home from work and drop her back off on the way to work the next morning.

BF is trying to get full custody right now because he says BM is going to move away with FSD...I'm having trouble feeling hopeful that he will win.

Every other weekend would be fabulous for me, too.

starfish's picture

perspective!! it could definitely be worse!

sk ~~ if dh works on the weekends, why does fsd come every weekend?

stepkate's picture

Yeah, it could be worse. As for the second part, this is also my question. FSD has two full sets of grandparents and BM living in the same city. If Mr. Kate is not home, I don't see why I should be responsible for her every Saturday when I work full time during the week, and the rest of them do not.

jojo68's picture

I am soooooooooooooooooo jealous of you EOWenders...I have mine full time...never goes to see her mother so I don't get EOW break either. Don't get depressed about it though...make it your time...grab a galpal...go shopping..go see a movie..go eat...ect. Make it fun for you and make your DH deal with his spawn. I used to cater to Princess and I don't anymore...I help him with things but I do not agree to unecessary stuff anymore. Like when she does decide to visit her mom...she call 2 hours later complaining of being bored...I will not pick her up...If he wants her picked up...he finds someone else to do it.

stepkate's picture

Yup. Parents who have rotten kids call this TV show and they send over a nanny that will whip them into shape. Theres usually a lot of punishment going on.

jojo68's picture

Yes it is a TV should watch it sometime...the way that lady handles those brats is amazing.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Thankfully BM has kept my FSD on weekends for the past few months. There is no formal custody arrangement with us either, so it can change at any time. I dread the day BM decides she no longer wants to keep FSD on weekends. Weekends are the only time I feel I "fit" into my own family these days. When FSD is around I feel like the odd man out. Sad