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Anyone in Missouri know who long CSE holds a intercepted tax refund for child support?

stepmama2one's picture

My DH received notice that $893.00 was paid to CSE on 4-13-15. It has been credited but not disbursed yet. I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with this before. We have not because until last year BM never held a job long enough to even file taxes, so this would be the first year that it is intercepted. I was told that it could take anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months to give time for her spouse to file injured spouse. I don't know why he would file injured spouse because he owes child support also to all of his kids.

BM was given the option to file the injured spouse form with taxes and she decided not to because, well, she just wanted to be a bigger bitch than what she already is. Not really a big deal seeings how she already owes my DH more than 10 times that amount but just curious on what to expect. Thanks for any information.


stepmama2one's picture

Yeah I think most of the wait is to give the spouse time to dispute the amount being taken. BM of course waits until last minute to file taxes anyway. She actually let's her mother claim her son, so that my DH doesn't get that amount. BM's mother claims her son and then gives BM the amount.

stepmama2one's picture

Yeah well it's not lol. I reported it last year but don't know what happened with it.

stepmama2one's picture

A couple of years ago, when she met her now husband, her son WAS living with his gma and BM let her boyfriend (her husband now) claim him so boyfriend would get the money and my DH wouldn't. Then this year BM's son lived with BM but because she didn't want to lose out on the benefit she let her mother claim her son and her mother gave BM the money.

zerostepdrama's picture

It can take up to 6 months. Unless BM signs an affidavit with CSE asking them to release the funds earlier because her spouse isn't filing injured spouse. (This is how it is in Ohio).

So they basically hold it long enough to confirm that the spouse did not file an injured spouse form.