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So its been a really bad week/month...

Stepmom23's picture

I kind of stopped coming to the site and I popped back on the other day because we have been dealing with so much crap. BM took us to court for custody of our SS16 and SD9, leaving SD14 out of the petition. Stating that she wanted to remain with us and she saw it as pointless to add her. After being dragged thru court and being told I was this useless POS of a stepmom that abused the Skids and refused to treat them like humans, she actually got custody of SS16. He told the judge he wanted to live there, I figured that the judge would see through the fact that BM bought him a car, got him a smart phone (when we still had his on our contract) and has given him anything he wants for the past 7 months. Including encouraging him to become sexually active with his then GF. We got the paperwork and the judge made sure to make it plain that I was nothing in my Skids life other then a glorified babysitter. On top of all of that, we went to court expecting our first, 7 months pregnant. So my SS16 moved out on Saturday, my SD14 has been an emotional wreck, like she needs help at this age, and my SD9 has been gorging herself on food she is allergic too instead of dealing with the fact her brother is gone. After being told by countless attorneys, including ours that the judge hates to separate kids he didn't seem to take that into consideration...


Stepmom23's picture

DH thinks more along the lines of he will support SS16 where ever he is, because no matter what he is his son. I think he is fronting a lot of it though because he is worried about my stress level with the baby. As soon as we can get back into routine things should calm down, but its hard with SD14 because her BM is trying to make it her fault because she didn't choose to live there too. And SD14 is dealing with some major jealousy issues cause he is getting everything he wants and we can't and won't do that.

Thank you for your support!