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BM is pregnant

stepmom31's picture

SD is 13
SS is 12
BD is 2
BS is 6 months

And now, BM is pregnant. Don't know when the baby is due, we'll probably know more when we get kids tonight. She told us because she told them. She's not married, but her bf lives with her and the stepkids.

I just don't know how I'm going to deal with my kids telling me they want to go by their brother/sister (this new baby) who actually isn't related to them, because this baby will be closer to my kids' ages than the stepkids.
Of course, I'm going to stop thinking about that now, since it's waaaaay into the future away still....


just let me say.... I had NO IDEA that it would be this DAMN complicated - marrying a man with kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the_stepmonster's picture

I don't see why your kids have to have anything to do with BM kids. My half sister has siblings from her dad's side that are close to my age and I have only met them a handful of times, mostly during my sister's wedding, baby shower, or bday parties for her baby. It never even crossed my mind to hang out with them to this day. Your babies will never have a reason to be in BM's care and around the baby and will only hear about the baby from their half-siblings as if the baby were a distant cousin.

youngmama1b1g's picture


BM invited husband to her nephews birthday party saying her sick mother wanted to see him before the big operation the next day. My husband didn't return until later because no one wanted to drive the poor mother to her home-even though she was having an operation the following day! He also told me they were all asking for his daughter. To which he said 'with her mother, my wife'.

Why would I allow my child to go to her party when she couldn't even invite me- not that I'd ever go.

alwaysanxious's picture

I am confused. How is BMs baby a sibling to your bios? If our BM had a baby there would be no relation to my child. My kid would have nothing to do with BM or her baby.

Did I miss something?

herewegoagain's picture

Huh? Really? Why would they want that? You should teach them from when they are young that the ones that come over are related to them, the others are not related in any, I don't see the issue.