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SD deliberately leaving things at our home so DH has to go to BM's home

StepmomDisgstd's picture

The past 2 visits she has left earrings, shoes, jacket, school books etc etc. The 1st time it happened she left earrings and a jacket . The next day, the BM texts and texts DH to bring the things to her home after she was home from work. I put them n a bag and DH left them on her patio b4 she got home. The 2nd time she left her shoes, one earring and placed her textbook under my car as she walked through our garage at the end of the visit. DH found the book under my car when he returned home. U guessed it. BM started calling and texting again for him to bring the things. DH thinks SD is just careless and forgetful. Today , after she packed her bags, I went n the room and shook the covers and looked under the bed. I found 2 gold earrings, dollar bills n the bed, dollar bills under the bed , candy wrappers, candy and a strip of paper off of a sanitary napkin. I told her to come pick up the garbage and throw it away. I told her to take her things with her and last but not least please perform hygiene activities n the bathroom not the bedroom. I usually hide away n my room and come out after she leaves. I couldn't take it n more


simifan's picture

DH needs to let her bear the consequences for what she "forgets" and stop running things to Bms.