Evil teenage stepchild I just want to get along with.
Hi, thank you to the creator of this site. I have a 16 year old step daughter who will be coming to visit in two weeks from boarding school. Before anyone reading this jumps to the conclusion that I am some evil step monster who had her shipped off to boarding school that is not what happened. In the years before I met my husband he had been widowed and left to raise two children. Their mom had an unexpected heart attack and past away it was sudden and I'm sure extremely painful for them. I married my husband two years ago at the time his kids where 14 and 20 they both went to boarding school and had been going years before the passing of their mother. For two reasons the first being that was the school there mother attended and they wanted to honor her and the second reason being that they both had high academic standing which is to be commended. After their mom passed my step daughter followed her brother out of boarding school to public school for a year to grieve but came to the conclusion that their mother would want them to be happy and go to the school they love and with the promise from their father that he would be ok they re-entered their beloved school. Yes I have 2 wonderfully gifted and talented step children. My stepson has always respected me and is grateful I am a part of his life. He has written me birthday cards that have made tears pour from us both.
My problem is his sister my stepdaughter. She treats the gum beneath her shoe better than she treats me. Nothing I do is good enough. Nothing I cook is up to par. Nothing I say will make her smile. I can't even ask her how was her day without some retort usually “How do you think it was"? I have always just wanted to get along with her to bridge this gap and start over. I feel she would rather I seize to exist. I have heard her crying and talking to her mother I tried my best to comfort her but she slammed the door in my face and asked me to leave her alone. Her boarding school is not too far away so she is here twice a month on the weekends and the weekends she is not here my husband drives up there to have lunch with her and bond with her I tried to tag along once but it was clear my presence was unwanted. My husband has tried to talk to her and tried to help us mend this bridge but it’s not working. We have tried family therapy sessions. The therapist told me to be understanding that she is missing her mom and is frustrated and if she wants to slam a door or have an attitude let her because she is just releasing pent up emotions. I tried to just not say anything but then she started to spit out my food and throw it in the garbage saying how disgusting it was. She accidently spilled water all over my laptop and then it fell over destroying it I know she did it on purpose. My husband replaced it and believes it was just and accident but I know it was not. When my husband announced my pregnancy last year she became enraged screaming in horror and demanding to know why he would have a kid with me she had a panic attack and my husband had to hold her tightly until she calmed down. We have her in therapy, family sessions and private sessions. She gets grounded when her behavior gets out of control but I don't think she cares. I don't know what to do anymore I am just distancing myself from her. My husband doesn't know what to do anymore. Two weeks from now she will be coming the entire week and I am dreading it like the plague. I know my stepson will come and maybe bring his girlfriend by for a brief visit he will be sweet and kind the perfect gentlemen and at least when he is around stepdaughter seems to simmer and become more relaxed. She is nice to my husband her big brother and her baby brother (she is great with him) but hates me more than anything. Just the way she looks at me you can see hate in her eyes.
- stepmomlost's blog
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Don't cook for her. Don't
Don't cook for her. Don't talk to her. Don't ask her anything.
Distance yourself. Disengage.
Am I just going to have to
Am I just going to have to accept the fact that she will probably hate me forever? I have never been treated this way by anyone in my life. I have been distancing myself but I think you are right I will not cook for her anymore she ont eat it anyways and I won't talk to her I've stopped talking to her anyways but I'm not even going to say hi becuase she will just roll her eyes and run to her brother.
Yes. Then don't let her treat

Then don't let her treat you like that. Which means don't let her treat you any way - don't communicate with her.
That's a bummer. It sounds
That's a bummer. It sounds awful. She is a lost person who is creating her identity out of her hate for you. Like onebanana said, just disengage. Don't try with her. Anything you do will will just encourage her anger. It's not personal.
It is okay to grieve for your
It is okay to grieve for your mother. It is NOT okay to be mean to others. If you were this girl's teacher, aunt, family friend, would she be allowed to treat you this way?
"Family therapy sessions" are not going to work because ya'll are not a family. You don't need to bond with this girl, but there should be a level of mutual respect.
Your DH need to put a stop to this. Yes, get her counseling to help her deal with her grief, but she needs to know it it NOT acceptable to treat anyone like this.
Ugh...I do feel sorry for
Ugh...I do feel sorry for both of you. From now on make DH responsible for EVERYTHING to do with this kid. It does not sound like you are around her too much so it should be fairly easy.
I would just leave her alone. Except for the polite hello and goodbye. lol. And if she does not respond, then your DH needs to man up.
She needs to grieve but not at your expense.
And I really don't think she really hates you. I think she hates the thought of you. Her mother is dead yet here you are married to her dad and having kids with her dad ect. It is not acceptable for her to treat you terrible, but I can see why her 16 year old mind sees you the way she does. I can't believe that therapy is not helping. Maybe change therapist...?
I think a change of therapist
I think a change of therapist may been in order. No sense in paying someone if if they aren't really helping her.
i have already given birth to
i have already given birth to my son and even though she is great with him now I do not and will not leave her alone with him. She has regularly sheduled talks with her guidance counseler at school and the report that we get is that she is doing fine and is very happy and excelling in her school work. She has rave reviews from her teachers on her grade reports. I don't understand where all of this anger towards me is coming from.