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What do you think??

stepmomNM's picture

I barely talk to ss13 unless nessecary. Yesterday he asked if he could borrow my webcam. I hide it cuz he just takes my stuff without asking. I told him no. He wants to hook it up to his game system and use it as a microphone. Of course he broke his headset. I told him it's not made for that and I don't want it to get broke cuz I use it to visit with my kids and grandbaby in another state. Needless to say he was pissed and rude all day. Last night we were watching TV. A commercial came on for that show The Good Wife. My ss13 has never watched this show or had in conversation with DH about it before. My step son says to his dad "Hey dad look the good wife". DH just ignores him. I asked DH....What in the hell is that supposed to mean? DH asked ss what he meant. SS13 just went to his room. DH says he was just mentioning the show.... I say BULLSHIT! What do ya'll think????


Eagle Eye's picture

I think your SS13 sounds exactly like my SS13! I am also in NM, maybe the boys are friends!! haha

I do exactly what you are doing! I hide my things and I no longer allow SS to borrow anything! He always destroys it or loses it and could careless!!

I am positive that your SS remark about The Good Wife was aimed at you!! Your DH is as oblivious as mine! Their sweet boys can do no wrong in their eyes...We are always making things up or exaggerating but they never believe us! Sad

Hang in there! Hide your stuff and ignore the brat! Wink

stepmomNM's picture

I agree. He is such a smart ass. I am not letting this one get to me. He will get his when the time is right!

twopines's picture

Awww, his little feefees were hurt because big bad SM wouldn't let him use her things. Tell him if he's very very good, the Computer Fairy will sprinkle down headsets and he will live Happily Ever After.

stepmomNM's picture

I don't let them use my stuff either. They destroy everything! Electronics, furniture, carpet. They act like dogs not kids! So sick of it. They also take the batteries out of everything and dont put the backs back on it so we have a remote control with tape on it to hold batteries cuz nobody knows where the hell it is!

hismineandours's picture

No I dont let my skid use anything of mine and I blatantly tell him-You dont want a relationship with me-you dont get the benefits of one either. He is 13-he pretty much knows better than to ask now.