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stepoff's picture

What is going on with this site anymore? The site is what it is. People can come here to blog about ... whatever they want. When one of the posters got ugly and mean to some of the members, the 'regulars' went to the admin with the problem and requested changes be made. Ignoring the poster wasn't an option for some reason. Now that the changes have been made, it's nothing but complaints about how the site has changed and doesn't feel the same. Well, that's what happens. Change is change, regardless of whether it's liked or not. If the old way of posting was better, why all the requests to have it changed? And once the changes are made, why complain when it was requested to begin with? Makes no sense. It's the timeless addage: be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Quite frankly, the old system and the new system were and are working fine. Just go with it.

So now that the 'regulars' are gone, I keep reading about how the advice isn't good anymore. The regulars (apparently) were the only ones with good sound advice. Well, here's my suggestion. Get their e-mail or FB address and contact them that way. Do the posters who claim that there is no good advice on here anymore realize that they're passively implying that the ones who have stayed to weather the storm can't give good advice? That's quite a slap in the face and very offensive.

As well, if a blogger decides to leave the site for whatever reason, then just leave! Why create even more drama and post "I'm leaving" for all to see? Say goodbye to your friends thru a PM. Usually the reason for leaving is because of all the drama. But by posting that you're leaving, you are also creating more drama. If someone doesn't like the site anymore, go.

Of course, this is just my opinion. Nothing vulgar in this blog, so I expect to not be kicked off the site. But I guess we'll see how this really works.


PoisonApples's picture

"As well, if a blogger decides to leave the site for whatever reason, then just leave! Why create even more drama and post "I'm leaving" for all to see? Say goodbye to your friends thru a PM. Usually the reason for leaving is because of all the drama. But by posting that you're leaving, you are also creating more drama. If someone doesn't like the site anymore, go."

Drama queen goodbye threads are ALWAYS put up to stroke the ego of the person leaving and to give others a chance to 'convince' them to stay.

BMJen's picture

I think people post good bye blogs so they can say bye to all of their friends on here, not just a select few. I know I've made so many friends here it's insane. I would never have time to PM everyone I'd want to say bye to. So I think that's why most people do that. KWIM?

The wave of emotions is very high here, still. Even after the 3 week break while the updates were being installed. I thought that would cool things down but it doesn't seem to have. Old hurts are still shining through it seems.

I think everyone needs to stop making passive aggressive comments, pming nasty things, etc and everything would prob get back to "normal". As long as some are still harassing others it won't stop I'm afraid. I hope it does though, and soon. I don't know how much more of it Dawn and Admin are going to take before they just shut this down all together. Then where will everyone be?

stormabruin's picture

"I don't know how much more of it Dawn and Admin are going to take before they just shut this down all together. Then where will everyone be?"


This is my concern too.

TheWife's picture


All the passive-agressive crap is just stupid, and only fuels the fire that everyone so desperately claims they want to die out.

It's pretty damn obvious what happened around here, who it happened with, and that feelings are still raw. You'd have to be half blind and ape-shit to not see it, regardless of how often you blogged or didn't blog.

Also, I know if I decided to say bye, why not post one big blog and let everyone know how to find me? Faster, more efficient, and reaches more people that way.

Rain1's picture

That’s it. I don’t think I can stay here any longer.

I guess this is the reason for this post about a goodbye thread. I hope you don’t think that my post was a good bye thread. I am a fairly new poster so really don’t have anyone to say goodbye to. And never cussed or bashed anyone and I am a bit put off that I got booted off for something so small. Sorry if my feelings are a bit hurt over the whole thing.

That is why I am not sure if I can stay here or not. It was not intended as a goodbye post at all. I never said I was leaving, just that I am not sure about it any longer. I wish the site was the way it used to be.

LotusFlower's picture

I understand how you feel Rain1...I have been here over a year and never reprimanded for anything I said...when I called a poster out on inconsistencies I was asked not to, and I complied...I too was hurt...because no one told a poster not to be "mean" to me last me its all part of it, or should be anyway...u put yur business "out there", people have a right (I think) to respond to you as they see fit...people have responded to me in a way that upset me...but I would NEVER have advocated for them to be censored. I didn't like what they said...but I feel they have a right to say how they feel.if I didn't want feedback, positive or negative, I shouldn't have put it out there...right?....there seems to be too much walking on eggshells here lately...I wish we could just all get back to speaking our minds freely...and that means ALL of us...without the fear of being censored...

Rain1's picture

when I called a poster out on inconsistencies I was asked not to,
That is terrible.

I agree 1000% with your post.

CrystalRE's picture

I almost wonder if a lot of the drama wouldnt go away on its own if people would grow up and stop creating new posts for the sole purpose of putting someone down for something they posted!?!?!

stepoff's picture

It had to be said. Been thinking about it for some time, and it's just getting all too old.

barefootsand's picture

this site is not a good place.

Everyone is getting deleted no matter what

It's like Nazis or something.