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Husband ruined my first Thanksgiving

StepOnMe101's picture

My 2-year-old-tantrum throwing 32 year old husband ruined the first Thanksgiving dinner I ever hosted in my home with 16 guests. I am mortified to the point of going and filing for divorce Monday morning. We have been together 7 years, married for a year and a half. I feel like I have so much to say about the current status of our relationship I dont even know where to start. Todays Thanksgiving blow out (they have been happening more and more frequently lately) began last night. My mom and grandparents stopped over to drop off folding tables and chairs as I didnt have enough seating for my 16 guests. My husband arrives home from work with SD9 after we have all been cleaning, moving the furniture around, and arranging the tables and decorating for a few hours. He immediately starts questioning why we moved the couches to where they were moved, why we put this many chairs at a table that should only seat this many, why the drawer on his precious tv table is slightly open, have we been touching it??. TRIVIAL RIDICULOUS THINGS!! He questions and criticizes every.damn.thing. Nothing is good enough unless he says it is or if its his idea. So then he gets mad when I contest his stupid questioning of the seating arrangement and storms off making a scene in front of my mom and grandparents saying out loud that "HE WILL JUST CHANGE IT AFTER EVERYONE LEAVES!". This pisses me off and I dont speak to him for the rest of the night. Naturally we dont have sex..again...I think its been at least a week maybe longer I dont remember nor do I care..because who wants to have sex with someone who is constantly pointing out things he things are "wrong" about everything you say and do. Right?? I mean I dont know about you guys..but who would be attracted to someone who is always criticizing EVERYTHING?? Always being negative and rude and disrespectful??!! SO this morning we wake up and how convenient (although he DID have a slight fever) Husband is SICK. SO he mopes around all morning complaining and not sucking it up...we get into it because I am upset he isnt taking a shower and getting ready for our guests. My grandparents and mom arrive...husband is still laying in the bed...wont even get up to say hello. Tells me he doesnt care if its thanksgiving that he will kick everyone out of HIS HOUSE because we are "disrepecting his home" by not listening to his input about how its set up. OK really is this not ridiculous? A grown man getting mad over stupid things when he should be grateful his wife is doing all of this for our family! So needless to say..he finally gets out of bed as he wants to make the mashed potatoes his special one way of doing them or else they wont be right, and tells everyone he is going to shower and come out. In the mean time I sit down and have a glass of wine and by this time almost all of our guests have arrived. My aunt is apparently in the kitchen starting to make the mashed potatoes. I had no idea she was even doing it but I guess because he was sick she didnt want him to do them. Husband comes out of shower, sees my aunt "RUINING" his beloved potatoes..and storms back to the bedroom and has a damn fit. On his way there, he dramatically stops at the table and blows out all of the candles and continues to the room. Like REALLY?? DRAMATIC MUCH?? I am so embarrassed that I start crying in the kitchen and tell my aunt that we havent been getting along lately. I am so upset that I excuse myself to my master bathroom. Im hysterical and I end up having a meltdown. Husband is still mad and tells me that I "LET MY AUNT DO THE POTATOES WHEN I KNEW HE WANTED TO!!" he then takes his phone and throws it at the bedroom wall shattering it. I sit in the bathroom and cry for 10 minutes. My mom comes in and my husband says some more disrespectful childish shit and I cry some more. I finally go back out to the kitcken to finish getting dinner ready. He doesnt come out of the room for the rest of the day except to get a drink and he tells people "oh sorry i dont want to get anyone sick" (yet he was snuggling with SD9 on MY BED and on the couch all fucking day!!! HA!!!!) SD9 stuck by him all day in the room and wouldnt come out either. I was so disgusted and embarrassed!! Obviously husbands parents werent here, they are in AZ visiting sister in law. Im sorry if this is a bunch of rambling but to sum things up, my husband is on a regular basis an OCD control freak. He is constantly on me about the house being kept up to his liking..contantly calls me lazy because i dont clean every day and if it were up to him the house would constantly be spotless. And yes he does help clean, but only because he is OCD about orderliness!!!!! On top of it all he is a guilty daddy with a crazy fucked up complex with his 9 year old daughter. She thinks she is an adult and he lets her act that way. The kid doesnt even say hello and goodbye to me. Ive been in her life SINCE SHE WAS 2! SHE IS 9!!! She is turning into a little version of him, and he is a sick mixed version of his crazy OCD controlling mother and his socially retarded father. I can go on and on and on about this situation. i am so upset and embarrassed about this day I cant even believe it!!!!! I dont even know if therapy can help us. Its like a sick web of ridiculousness between my husband, stepdaughter, the bitch BM, my inlaws...I cant freaking take it anymore!!!!!!!! I used to be a happy person but I drown myself in bad habits now to numb the fact that I am unhappy in my marriage!!!


emotionaly beat up's picture

I think you know what to do. Your husband is not going to take a long hard look at himself and his behviour in front of your family (and his daughter), he will not apologise and he will certainly not see any reason to take medication or go to counselling, why should he. YOU and YOUR family went out of your way to deliberately antogonize him, in his very own home, on Thanksgiving no less. That is how he sees it.

This is not going to get any better, you know that. The longer you stay, the more you are telling him you are okay with his behaviour.

I am sure your aunt or your parents or anyone who witnessed this outburst would be more than willing to take you in till you find a place for yourself and get on your feet.

I know you want to make it work, I know you love him, I know in a couple of days you will start to think of ways in which YOU could have avoided this, had you done this, had you done that, and then once you start blaming yourself, you will slowly warm up to your husband, because you will have convinced yourself that YOU played a part in what happened.


If you stay, if you continue to make excuses, if you continue to accept this, it will never change, and one day soon the 9 year old who witnessed this, will be 19. Can you imagine having to put up with her attitude and his..................

Your husband is emotionally abusing you. He will wear you down and with each passing day you will have less and less confidence, you will trap yourself. Make no mistake, you are being abused, you are going to be isolated from your family, because they will stop coming, that will play well into his master plan. Once he has isolated you, don't be surprised if he starts to slap you, and if you blame yourself for that slap, you are finished, you will become a victim of domestic violece.

That my dear is your future unless YOU do something to change it. He will not. So I ask you please, listen to your gut. Listen to what it is telling you. That is your intuition, and it is telling you something, you need to listen, if you don't, you will regret it.

You did not deserve to be humiliated in front of your family like that, He would never have done that in front of his own family, only yours, he has made sure they won't be rushing back in a hurry. As I said, all part of the master plan. Listen to your stomach, as I said it is telling you what you HAVE to do. I sincerely hope you listen to your inner self here. All the best of luck in the world dear, you need it.

Kes's picture

I suffer from slight OCD and my brother has it much worse, but neither of us would ever use it as an excuse to torment our partners this way. Your husband's behaviour was unforgiveable and intolerable. From what you say you have been putting up with this kind of stuff for 7 years - in my view that is 6.5 years too long. He may have a mental health condition but that does not give him carte blanche to behave like a nasty, spoiled bully.

Most Evil's picture

Wow, what a freak!! I like the file for divorce mon. Idea.

He is abusing you and it will only get worse. !!!

ctnmom's picture

Agree, agree agree with the other posters. Whether he has OCD or not, makes no difference, he's ABUSIVE. I love hosting warm loving holidays at my house, I would absolutely DIE in this situation. I'm not a cryer, but i think I would've broke down just like yu did. So now what? You can't have holidays in you home? Girl, you're a sweetie, you deserve so much more. My DH is also very much a "control freak" as I say, (married 30 years in April), he likes the furniture and such "just so." But he listens and respects when I tell him enough is enough. See, that is the difference. Good luck and God bless.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I think a good number of people have some form of OCD. If he suffers from it this greatly to the point where he cannot get out of bed, or acts violent, then he needs to be under the care of a Dr. ASAP.

Sorry your Holiday was ruined. I hate reading stories like this because from this point on, your family will remember this and it will be awkward for everyone. My mother's family loved drama during the holidays and now at the age of 37 (tomorrow) I only remember the drama, not the good times. Sad.

oldone's picture

He's abusive. Doesn't really matter why from your perspective THERE IS NEVER A GOOD REASON to accept abuse.

honey0's picture

You've been with him for years, you married him, and NOW you figure out what he's like? It's your fault too that you did not try to do something about his behaviour earlier,or leave if it doesn't change. 7 years is A LOT, it's enough time to already know it all by now.