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14 years and whew almost there

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I HAVE HAD MY STEP KIDS FOR ABOUT 14 YRS NOW AGES 16 AND 20 AND MY HUSBAND WANTED THEM FULL TIME BECAUSE HE IS MORE LIKE A MOM TO THEM THEN A DAD. THE FULL TIME WAS EXTRA HARD ON ME AND NOT FAIR TO THEIR MOM WHO JUST LIVES BLOCKS AWAY. ITS BEEN EXTRA BAD BECAUSE THEY GOT BAD GRADES IN SCHOOL MOSTLY F'S AND THE OLDER ONE DOES DRUGS! SMOKED AND LIED AT A YOUNG AGE! SHE JUST HAD A BABY AND LIVES WITH US STILL AT 20 WITH HER ADORABLE BABY who i love takin care. my ownchildre are 30 and 31 and do no live at home. my stepson is a pretty good kid my step daughter does not like to work or help at home i am venting because the problem has always been the two parents trying to be the most popular one like its a contest and i was the only one holding them accountable more later.... just venting and my first blog ps i have 3 grandkids and ive always had to work two or more jobs my kids dad is a deadbeat dad and my husband doesnt take any help money wise from his ex even though we had them full time 12 years the 16 yr old is now staying at moms every other week


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amen but bf is finally toughening up and now im not the bad guy all the time