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Don't worry, SteppingUp will do everything.

SteppingUp's picture

FDH's mom is coming to town tonight to pass through on her way to Omaha or something, and she texted me and said, “Leaving town now – plan on supper when we get there so let us know where – hope kids can come!” So I call FDH and ask if we’re getting the kids tonight? He says, Yes he got the ok from BM to get them tonight…

Ok…would have been nice to know since I’m the one that has to pick them up.

Then FDH works at 6 tonight serving at a restaurant, so I’m like, where the heck would we be able to eat before he goes to work?? And he says the restaurant, so he can just go there and start work at 6 while we’re still all eating. So I say, “so…that means I have to drop the kids of at BM's then afterwards?” and he’s like, “Well, yeah…I guess so.”

Okay…so then I think about it a minute more and inform him that usually when I get home after picking up our baby, I have to nurse him. If I had known our schedule was changing today I would have changed my pumping schedule at work and told daycare to change the feeding a bit too so that he’s fed right before I’d pick him up at daycare (right now she makes sure he's slightly hungry before I bring him home). FDH goes, “Well how long will nursing him take?” (like he doesn’t know) so I’m like…at least 20 minutes. So I’d get home at 5:30 after picking up all the kids, have to nurse baby while SS3 and SD5 run amock, then maybe by 6 – if lucky – get all the kids back in the car and head to meet them at the restaurant??? Boy, does that sound FUN!

So then FDH goes, “Well can’t you get off of work early?” I’m like, uhhh, no….I got off early on Monday so I could get the kids early from daycare (bc daycare had a death in the family and FDH had to work late), AND yesterday so I could take baby to his dr appt.... then he got kinda mad and said, “Is it really a big deal to get off of work early again? It’s not like you’re that busy…you’re always working on wedding stuff while you're at work.” And I’m like I don’t have ANY PTO! The time I HAVE taken off this week is going to be made up by me not taking any lunches and using the 1 hour of PTO I had left. GRRR…

Just getting resentful that it seems like I'm always the last one to know about crap but the one who has to do the most work. "Oh don't worry, SteppingUp will do it"...
Because, I wILL...usually...but it doesn't mean I WANT to do it. So tonight I'm going to be carting the skids and my 8 week old all over town to accomodate everyone else. I almost want to say, no thanks, I'll just stay home but dont' want to look rude to my FMIL.


overit2's picture

Good lord...don't DO it anymore- this is craziness! Don't pick up the kids-meet FMIL for your house-order in Smile

Why doesn't HE take off time from work to manage HIS kids and HIS mother...what an ass.

Put your foot down-you have an 8wk old-you're setting a precedent. Tell him you just don't have the time to leave early or the energy to run around last minute like that.

Breastfeeding problems start when you're under stress and those first few months are VERY important to keep a routine and calm feeding times. This is YOUR childs nutrition. Screw FMIL, SKIDS and your FH...I'd reconsider the future part honestly if he's acting so entitled and you as his doormat BEFORE you're married.

SteppingUp's picture

Yeah...I knew FMIL was stopping on her way through town but I thought she'd just come over....not that she wanted to go OUT to eat. I just texted FMIL and asked if she can just bring something over for dinner. That'd be WAY easier and then maybe FDH can see if BM can come pick up the kids at X time. I kinda want to be a b**** and say that if BM can't pick htem up that I'm not sticking baby BACK in the car to bring skids to her house, he'll have to figure something out...but hten he'll be like, "What's the big take baby shopping and stuff...blah blah"

He should be the one that has to deal with all this crap, not me.

SteppingUp's picture

I guarantee his mom has been talking to him about these plans for the past week and he just now told me the details. She is totally cool and I am glad that I just texted her about coming over instead. I will fill her in later that he just sorta assumed I would do all this running around and she'll probably give him a scolding Smile

SteppingUp's picture

The thing is, I have to pick up my own son from the same daycare anyway...I just would have been probalby bombarded with the fact that skids were coming with..

but hindsight this might have been a better manipulative tactic. }:)

alwaysanxious's picture

I would have been tempted to not even call after MIL told me. Then later let H try to tell me at last minute and say, Oh gosh I can't. I needed to know earlier. That's the stuff I LOVE to do.

Elizabeth's picture

Been there, done that, and here's how it went:

DH: SD is coming over this evening but I have class (night school).
ME: Oh, OK. I guess I can watch her.
DH: BM asked if she could take SD to dinner since I'm not going to be here.
ME: Fine. When is BM coming to pick her up?

No opening for DH to ask me to drop SD off anywhere. If BM can't come pick SD up, either SD doesn't get to go out or SD doesn't come over at all. Not my problem.

I agree, with your situation, you would have to pick up stepkids, being that they are at the same daycare. You would even have to take them to dinner. But you do NOT have to take them back to BM. That is their father's responsibility. He needs to either assume it or not even have them over. Or maybe the inlaws could take them back to BM's!