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OT: I'm having a boy!

SteppingUp's picture

We went in for our ultrasound at the end of last week and found we are having a boy! (Thank god it wasn't puppies...I had a dream the night before that I gave birth to puppies! lol)

We took SS3 so that he could get to see his little sibling and that it might help him to understand that there's a baby growing in there. He's tried seeing it through my belly button, but obviously was disappointed. He was a perfect little boy and sat very quietly and nicely. He was mesmerized when the baby was stretching its fingers and then making fists, but the rest of course just looked like blobs. Oh well -- he was excited when we found out he gets to have a baby brother!

DF was happy but also had a mix of disappointment. He had been gearing himself up for a girl, mostly because of his own fears that having a boy will make his son (SS3) jealous. He's voiced his concerns before that he worries that his son will feel bad when he's with BM and our son gets to be with us all the time, or when our son gets to spend time with his grandparents (my parents) when SS is with BM...and that he might feel overshadowed by our son.

I told him that night, "Look, everyone in every family has their own issues with his or her place. You are the youngest of three boys and you always feel like you get the short end of the stick or that as a child you got the shaft -- always the hand-me-downs and your older brothers got to take piano lessons, guitar lessons, etc. But that's common in every family. I had my own jealousies of my older sister just as she did of me. It's normal. I think as long as we make sure (your) Son feels loved and accepted and involved as much as possible, then we did our best job given the situation."

I think this helped him to feel better because he agreed too, that everyone has SOME issue in their family -- whether they are the oldest, middle, youngest, step, or half child of whoever -- it's completely normal and a lot of those issues depend on the kids' temperaments anyway. For example, DF always complains that he is the last to know everything that goes on in his family, but he really doesn't make an effort to call his brothers at all. So it's really his own fault! Smile

Anyway, we are super excited! Now we get to start working on the nursery Smile AND naming our child -- oh boy! Smile


DaizyDuke's picture

Congrats!!! Hubby and I have an (almost) 10 month old boy and he is sooo much fun!!! My hubby was worried too that SS11 would be jealous of a baby boy, but he was fine, actually was excited to be a "big brother".

I often think that it must be hard for SS since, like you said, baby lives with us and gets to see dad every day but unless he is really good at hiding his feelings, it does not seem to bother him.

Have fun doing the nursery and picking names!! Enjoy every minute.. it will FLY by!!!! Wink

ThatGirl's picture

Congratulations! Boys are the best! I have two, 20 and 22.5. They were so easy to raise and were the best of friends. I'm sure yours will be, too Smile

Want to be a better SM's picture

Congrats! I hope to be in your shoes soon! I want a little George after his Grandfather!

they8ntmine's picture


And kudos for you on explaining everyones place in a family and jealousy issues.. Smile

Rags's picture

Congratulations to you and your DH on the baby. A stem on the apple is worth celebrating as is no stem on the apple.

I am glad that your SS-3 is looking forward to his role as big bro.

Best regards,