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Should I move in?

StepStrwbry's picture

Hi all...I have been torn about my decision to move in with my bf of just over a year because even tho (or perhaps BECAUSE) his little boy is only 5, I loathe him. Today I spent 3 hours looking for my keys & SS thinks he's cute by saying "oh they're on your bed" when he knew damn well that he had taken them & hidden them in his room! I'm experienced enough to know that this little s**t is looking for attention with this a**hole behavior but bf is clueless...(weekend dad guilt 'parenting') I think bf wants me to move  in here to help with that whiny, screaming, ungrateful punk kid. I allowed them to visit at the shore house 2 weeks ago & this turd wrote in INK on a beautiful oak kitchen table & I lost my security deposit! Bf is not a good dad. No discipline, folds when the brat whines & is only too happy to let me tend to all the household duties while his idiot kid watches an endless loop of YouTube videos. My current living situation is not good so bf acts like he's saving me but-excuse me-im already paying half the mortgage & he literally wouldn't make it here without me. I had to sleep on the couch all nite cuz the little harpie ran up & got in OUR bed before me and bf let's it happen. Should I run for the hills?


Winterglow's picture

"Should I run for the hills?"


You didn't give a single good point about this relationship. Your bf wants an unpaid slave  maid, childminder and bedwarmer because he's a lazy turd. Run like the wind!

By the way, why are you paying half his mortgage if you are neither on the deed nor even living there? If he's in over his head, that's his problem, not yours. Get out now and use your money to make you happy, not to bail a waste-of-space apology for a parent.

StepStrwbry's picture

Thanks Aunt Agatha! Few words but all that's needed!

JRI's picture

I ran across a Steptalk term, "bangnanny". It resonated with me because i libed with my then BF for several years and watched his wild children.

Run, girl.

StepStrwbry's picture

Thanks JRI, I'm gonna use that! Bangnanny...EXACTLY

StepStrwbry's picture

Ur reply was just too perfect! The baby moms name is Jenny! And that's what she did when the kid was 6 months old so that reply couldnt be more psychically right on! Thanks

kd622's picture

RUN!!!! while you can. You will be miserable and resentful if you do it. The child is his problem not yours, he's looking for a babysitter!