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Listen to what bd said....

stepwitch's picture

My bd and I were sitting in the front room this morning-I was having my morning coffee. She said "mom have you ever noticed that grandmother always talks about sd. It doesn't even matter what we are talking about she refers back to something about sd. I'm so tired of hearing about what she did or how sweet or cute she is.". I simply just asked "does that bother you?". She said it is so annoying. My bd is 13 and the sd is 19.

I guess I'm not the only one that NOTICES....


Sia's picture

did you tell dh?

stepwitch's picture

I didn't see the point, u think I should?

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

stepwitch's picture

Just not the 'special' one....ya know how it goes.

We were sitting Christmas evening at her table and my neice a year older than SD and were talking about the beach years ago. And niece said it always had bothered her she had to give her birthday barbie to sd because she cried for it. The thing was not a sharing thing, it was a spoiled thing. So niece tripped her and she got in trouble. We were all laughing about it, then Grandmother said well-you got your revenge-good for you!! I thought Geez !! I don't feel sorry for niece-she actually is doing something with her life-she has a great job in New York City, has graduated college with honors and is living her life, yet Sd is still stuck, and she is still pittied by grandmother. I guess she just feels the need to defend sd. Whatever.

Then my family went back to grandmothers the day after Christmas for left overs and she brought her up again. It was just an innocent comment....I ate a few of the cookies sd brought over and they were so good. Bla bla, but I guess if you like the frozen cookies, they bd was bothered by it, I could tell.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

disgusted's picture

Ah yes, a "golden child"...Thats step brat when it comes to the in laws...Makes me want to puke!

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

Colorado Girl's picture

AND it just goes to show how detrimental Grandma is actually towards SD. Her need to cater to and protect the little sh*t is only hurting SD. She'll never learn what real life is all about and has to offer.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

stepwitch's picture

My hubby and I went out tonight and the drinks turned to shit! He says there is plenty of blame to go around!! Which is correct...but damn I'm so tired of all this shit. I will blog tomorrow when I'm not so light headed. But I may need to call on sunshine's boss......

Where is she? Anyone hears from her? I tried texting- but haven't heard from her.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Colorado Girl's picture

she was having serious marital problems. Divorce might be inevitable?????

She said she was going to "take a break" for a while. I sent her a message on MySpace and she didn't respond and I haven't seen her log on lately. I think she just has a lot of thinkin' to do.

I'm sorry your night took a shit. Sad

Call me if you need anything.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

secondwife20's picture

My in laws have no favorites, which makes them so wonderful. They don't like bullshit, and they know that BM is nothing but just that. They also know that SD8 (their very own granddaughter) is on the road of destruction based on how she is raised. BUT. BM's family has favorites up the ying yang. And can you guess who their number one favorite is? That's right SD8. BM's parents just LOVE HER. and ADORE HER. she's the BEST THING EVER since sliced effin' bread. Out of six grandchildren, their little SD8 is just the most precious child imaginable. UGH. I hate that so much because that little brat is so awful. Someday that girl will get pregnant or get addicted to drugs because she knows no discipline... and you know what? I don't care.

Anyway, I would definitely say something to DH.

Sita Tara's picture

She feels we are too rough on SD, so MIL must be extra kind all the time. Her cheerleader/champion. DH finally went off a little toward MIL a few months ago, and let her know things he'd been sitting on (lip piercing, offering BJs via sign to high school boys, oh- and IMing all night at MILs on MILs non-parentally controlled computer, the week SD was there. ALL NIGHT. Going to bed right before MIL gets up for work, and bragging to the boy she was typing to about how she could fool MIL. That one sorta did MIL in a little.)

I'm sorry your own D has to hear this. Luckily MIL has BD 3, and SIL and BIL's 3 yo girl/1 yo son to moon over. SD's pedestal is being shortened.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra