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I just wanted my home alone day, now I feel like the bad guy

sterlingsilver's picture

Today I have a rare week day completely off work. It's been about 8 months since I get this wonderful priviledge and it's been months since our home has been kid free when I have had a day off. I told Dh yesterday that today I want to sleep in and asked if he'd wake my son for school. He agreed. Well at 6 am he starts yelling at me that it's 6 and to get up to get the kids up. I told him I would and then he remembered it was my day off so he apologised and said go back to sleep I'll wake the boys. Just last Sunday I took my old bs to college so he's now out of the house after hanging around for months not in school and not being able to find a job. So my excitement of having a whole day to myself was almost more then I could enjoy!!!!! I told my sisters, and other friends how I get this day to myself, and what to do???? lol In other words I made a pretty darn big deal of it. Well I wake at 7 and hear some voices in the other room so I get up to make coffee and there is DH on the couch and he asked why I was up and I said I was too excited to sleep b/c I am so excited about a day alone. He then announced ss16 had a bloody nose and was staying in bed but would help me do anything I asked him to do later. I just looked at him like he'd lost his marbles, after all the anticipation of an alone day and now I have to spend it with SS???????? HELL NO!!!!!! I told dh to send ss16 to school, a bloody nose was no excuse to stay home and quite frankly I do not remember in the past 4 years any time ss16 has stayed home over a damn bloody nose. DH started yelling at me saying I wouldn't send bs to school over a bloody nose and I said hell yes I would if it meant me having my alone time. I told him to take ss16 to work with him then and he said he didn't want ss16 with him all day b/c he had some appointments to go to bla bla bla. So then he began making me into the bad guy and saying ss stormed off b/c he heard me yelling i didn't want him home, I didn't yell that at all. Well, it turns out ss didn't run off and when I went downstairs he was dressed and calmly sitting on the couch waiting for dh to drive him to school. It seems it was all dh wanting ss to stay home to spend some time with me bonding or something? I don't know, but when I asked ss if he was sick he said dh told him to go back to bed, he wasn't sick and was fine. I am just trying to wrap my brain around the reasoning for dh not wanting me to have a day alone and why he'd want ss to stay home. There was one little tissue with a drop of blood on it the size of a pea and dh said he had to "mop up a lot of blood".

I have no idea what happened this morning, it could be a simple as dh not wanting ss in school in case his nose bled more, but he's never kept ss home for that before so then my mind wonders why he'd try to "sabatage" my day alone. UHG


Jmom's picture

I don't know why your DH did this but here's my advice . . .Stop telling people when you have a day off. I had to figure this one out. Every time I said anything about taking a day off somebody tried to plan it for me. This could be DH, SD12, BS12 . . my sisters . . .my mother! I just don't tell them anymore.

sterlingsilver's picture

What would I be up to? I told him loud and clear I was opening all the windows and cleaning this stinkin place from stem to stern and turning on MY OWN LOUD music. What kid would want to hang out in a house with that happening anyhow? And what part of my day home alone cleaning would ss need to help me with?

At times it almost seems like since DH's cancer diagnoses he's been thinking differently. I don't know, maybe it's just my imagination but there are days when I wonder if the pain is changing him.

sterlingsilver's picture

Oh guess who just came home to yell at me some more? Wow, talk about being a professional guilt heaper oner. Shit, all I wanted was a day off to fuckin clean this house and all I get is a big fat serving a guilt. i just yelled at him to go get his PRECIOUS baby from school b/c my day is freakin ruined anyhow. I'm showering and going out for the day. You sick boys can clean your own damn house and cook your own damn supper. I'll come home in time to take bs14 out for supper. SHEEEESSHHH

misSTEP's picture

Damn straight!! Leave that crap for them. Better yet, hire a cleaning service and bill your DH for it!