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stop breakin bones already

sterlingsilver's picture

I am just so frustrated right now. So last spring ss15 broke his collar bone while at school playing around outside at recess. This resulted in him not being able to play football this year. Just yesterday same ss15 broke his pinky finger AT RECESS and now he cannot wrestle this winter. Why this bugs me is that while he is in sports he is gone away to school all day and then practice until well after supper - so this means less of him hanging around the house playing xbox loudly lounging on my furniture and just less of me having to deal with the feeling I have when he is around which is feeling on edge and like I wanna get the hell outta here. My dh was telling me this morning (over my first cup of coffee which is not a good thing) that he's taking ss15 in to the doc, xrays, etc today. I was watching the news and purposely ignoring him b/c I was so pissed, and dh asks me why I am not interested in ss15's welfare. I just sat there looking at him like he'd lost his marbles. Why the effin hell would I be worried about ss15's welfare except that I want him to NOT break anymore bones so that he can be around less. But I cannot say this to DH so I just responded that I hadn't finished my 1st cup of java yet and cannot absorb ss issues before my third cup. UHG. DH always feels like I should be all concerned about his "widdle baba" when really I cannot wait for the day he moves his big stinkin hulk outta my home. And take the damn shitzu with him.


imjustthemaid's picture

Oh geez I hear ya on the xbox!! SD16 sits around all day long on xbox live, yelling and screaming like an animal!!I wish she would be interested in sports or maybe getting a job.

DD10 broke her collarbone in Sept. She had surgery. She couldn't do anything and would constantly text me from her recliner requesting things. She finally last week got to take the sling off but no sports or gym class until middle of January so that rules out basketball that she loves!