The "Get out of Jail Free" card and how it applies to Bios and Steps
BM over here has a phrase and independently of each other, DH and SD have both said to me, how BM uses the phrase to basically JUSTIFY anything she does, says, or wants. And that phrase is...
"But I'm the MOTHER"!!
BM used this phrase when fighting DH for the house that he built, because after all, she deserved it, because she was The Mother!! Oh yes, and stepdaughter should stay with her because she is "The Mother". And a daughter should stay with her mother and they should live in the house, and DH, being only "the father" somehow doesn't quite cut it. That's BM's thinking on that.
BM uses this phrase to this very day in justifying any behavior toward her own daughter when daughter questions her? Why did you leave me alone until nine at night without calling? BM: "Well, I'm the SINGLE working MOTHER, trying to do best for my daughter" (while DH was paying that mortgage). Stepdaughter: "Mom, if I wasn't your child, I feel like you wouldn't like me, let alone love me. I know I'm not the kind of person you like." BM: "Well, of course I love you. I'm your MOTHER." As if that phrase erases all of those times SD would bring home a school picture and her mom would instantly criticize just about every part of it. I'll give BM the benefit of the doubt on that one a small bit. BM loved SD before she even developed a personality, so her love is more toward a "thing" a "child" rather than who SD actually is. Whatever.
The reason I am writing this is because BM uses that phrase as her "get out of jail free card." Now... Here's the controversial part of this post.
"But I'm the STEP PARENT. And step parenting is so hard and I'm under so much stress....".... And that becomes the "get out of jail free card for some on this site.
I'm writing because I saw yet another post where someone questioned their own behavior, and while there were SOME good responses with both the positive (yes, we all go through that BUT... you should address this...) there were also a lot of encouraging, yet negative responses ("Oh, I got beat up for feeling that way - it's completely okay".)
Case in point... There was a post on here where someone questioned wishing a person dead. When we punish a 4 year old and they blurt out "I wish you were dead!!!" because we are punishing them... as far as I know... adults very rarely say... "Ohhhh that's okay baby, I understand how you wish I would meet an ill fate just because I hurt your feelings!!" NO. What we say is "HEY!! That's not a nice thing to say to someone!!! Let alone wish it on someone!! You should apologize!!!" And then privately, we usually write that child's behavior off as Immature and Not understanding what that TRULY means to wish someone dead.
As adults, we may get into situations where, yes, we fantasize about the relief of what would happen if someone died, but realize, or at least SHOULD realize that those thoughts are POISON. So, no, I don't agree with posters who said "OH yeah!! That's okay!! Or I got beat up for feeling the same thing!!".... By the way, that individual poster didn't just post she wished her stepchild was dead, she felt that she could actually HURT her....
Another case in point.... There was a post on here where a person threatened a child with more than physical punishment, but a physical punishment that got the point across because there was an emotional element to it. This one really really tore at me. I often say things to get the point across to SD and wonder if I am verbally harsh. I justify it to myself as "Well, SD needed this lesson and I got it across." For example, when SD wore a very short skirt to school with thigh high stockings that could be seen, I asked her if she wanted to be known as a "slut" because that was certainly the message she was sending out by wearing that to school at 14. Harsh... yes. Did I really make SD feel ashamed ... yes. Verbal / Emotional abuse? I don't think so. I think this is where my problem with that particular post was. YES the person got their point across, but verbally threatening a child with very scary behavior is EMOTIONAL ABUSE. No matter how you cut it. No matter if it gets the point across.
I AM BY NO MEANS a softie. Let's remember...I actually condoned SMALL SPANKING ON THE BUTT for disobedience on bio and step children. And I am not above a good yelling at / talking to.
The whole point of this post is that we need to get out of the mindset (IN MY OWN OPINION) of "BUT WE ARE THE STEP PARENTS... AND THIS JOB IS HARD... SO IT'S OKAY THAT WE FEEL THIS WAY, SAY THESE THINGS, DO THESE THINGS" that in reality are unacceptable behaviors. Are we really all that different than BM in this case???
I'm trying to do this as a separate blog, instead of responding to individual people because it's the behavior / attitude of the site that I want to keep in check. To each his own as we have always said on here.
And before anyone tells me I am holier than thou... I'M NOT. Feel free to tell me if you disagree. And also , if anyone tells me to take my rainbow and sparkles and shove it up my ass.... I will do so.
And then I'll take it out and BEAT YOU over the head with it!! It'll be sh*t and sparkles everywhere!!
Cheers Ladies!
- Stick's blog
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I'm not going to condone or condemn any behavior you've mentioned or blogged on this site. I'm just going to remind everyone that we are all human... no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Some more than others. We all think imperfect thoughts at times. Some say them out loud, some don't. Mostly, I think they are merely thoughts that would probably never get acted upon. Does that make the thoughts ok? No... but again, we are human, we are not perfect. Only ONE was perfect and he died for our sins of unpure thoughts and actions and so on. No sin is worse than another. Forgive others (and yourselves) as He forgave you... then let it go!
Agrred we all make mistakes
Agreed we all make mistakes I just wish some people would admit to themselves they made them. Some people seem to be looking here for justification. If you did something wrong just say "this is what I did and I need to get it out there".... the sad thing is that some people do not believe they are making a mistake when they are.....
Exactly Gettingby...
Thanks for saying what I was trying to...
We coddle each other and each other's "impure" thoughts, feelings, and deeds much more so than we coddle our own step CHILDREN. As a matter of fact, it is often looked down upon for "coddling" step children.
Thanks for getting it...
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Well yes maybe in a way you
Well yes maybe in a way you are right. But at the same time, maybe the OP of the topic about wishing someone dead was actually a relief bc she made those who were ashamed of having that thought feel a little more.... normal?? I guess thats the word I need. We all have impure thoughts. I'm sure even you do dear.
Spot on!
I agrre 100% with you DMartin!
While I was `concerned` with some of the post discussed here, I did not respond to them cuz `to each their own`.
I have also had fleeting thought in the past that if someone (not FH) died or cheated on me etc...then I would not have to deal with a break up. It`s not right, it was fleeting, but I did have the thoughts.
I also kinda liked the techniques that one poster used in order to get her SD from not wasting food. I never have to deal with that kinda thing in my home, but I remember my Mom using similar techniques with me eg: washing my mouth out with soap, telling me I`d go blind by looking at the sun, or my eyes would stay crossed if I kept it up.
Anyway...DMarting, you are 100% right. And if I don`t agree with something I usually stay pretty quiet and move on. I can`t relate to a lot of what is written here, so I keep quiet.
Believe me - I DO have impure thoughts.
I have impure thoughts about SD and how my life would be different, probably much easier if she wasn't going through all that she is going through. I have impure thoughts like, "WHY, why can't she just grow up and get over this? " "Why does she have to suffer from depression? Why can't she just be like other girls her age??" I have impure thoughts as to BM and how I wish that she would just for an instant realize how her behavior has gotten her where she is and how much that would hurt her. I have impure thoughts as to BM about how I wish she would just pay us child support and not care if she loses her house (which we don't make her right now, because she would lose her house.)
I have impure thoughts toward others when I see that they may have something I want or would like...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know they are impure. I know those thoughts are not right. So however you slice it and I can in my own head JUSTIFY it, because I can... it doesn't mean they are right or that I am right for thinking them. And I wouldn't expect anyone on here to say "Hey that's okay that you have hatred in your heart".
Oh yeah... and I also have some VERY IMPURE thoughts about my husband and what I want to do to him the next time I get him alone after not seeing him enough the past 2 months.
Doesn't make me a bad girl.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
It's not up to me to forgive... I am not in a power to forgive anyone. I don't feel that my forgiveness means anything - or should mean anything - because I am certainly NOT better than others... and not worse.
Your reaction to my post worries me because I feel that you took it in the way I did not intend. I did not intend it as judgmental.
I was hoping it would make people THINK.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I will be very blunt about this
Stick, I know to which post you are referring and I have to say that fishing food out of a garbage can, forcing the child to eat it, then threatening to make the child eat the vomit if she throws up is wrong on so many levels. There has to be a more appropriate way to deal with a situation like that. I know for a fact that if you did that to an elderly person under your care you would be arrested for elder abuse and assault.
Didn't see that post but can't believe...
Can't believe someone would do that to a kid, whether it is yours or not.
A Step parent is in a no win role
Geez people, are we
Geez people, are we seriously going to have another one of those posts bashing other posters? I'm done!
Don't mistake this for bashing a poster
This is about recognizing and confronting abusive behavior. Her behavior was totally inappropriate and I don't give a flying fig what the child did. Kids will be kids. Kids are wasteful. But there are better ways to deal with childish behavior without resorting to abusive tactics.
No, I'm sorry.. I really do not want this to turn into a member bashing post.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
It wasn't--I think she
It wasn't--I think she misinterpreted.
I agree,
"To accept passively an unjust system is to agree with that system, therfore the oppressed become as evil as the oppressors" -Dr. Martin Luthor King Jr.-
I hope I remember that exactly right, either way the message has stuck with me since high school and I apply it to situations in my life all the time.
I like and agree with your intentions Stick, Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it, and should not be condoned. One of my favorite authors wrote that one of the worst mistakes parents today make is not correcting bad behavior because they do not want to make the child feel bad, but that's how the child learns, by feeling bad!
I think it goes without saying that nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, but what should separate us from the bad BM's we deal with is that when we make the mistake, we fess up and learn from it, and don't do it again. And how is that possible if, instead of being allowed to feel guilty or bad about it, we are all rescued and told it is all okay.
There should be no "get out of jail free cards" in parenting. We should all be held acountable for our actions, and should do our best where the children are concerned, no matter if they are step or bio. And the truth is, there are times our best is going to fall short of what the kids deserve. It might be major, or it might be minor, but it is not okay to ever write it off or make excuses.
I'm gettin off this little soap box, I do not know of the posts that were refernced, I'm just a bit emotional over our current situation with BM knowingly throwing away her last chance to get it together for SD, and having trouble forgiving myself for being in denial and allowing things to get so bad with BM before we called CPS in.
I wish you all the very best, thank you Stick, for making a very good point, something we should all keep in mind.
"It could be better... or it could be worse. For now, it just is..."
-Colorado Girl-
Your post was excellent.... I completely understand what you are saying and I agree 100%.
Cru, I agree with 110 per cent
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Step parenting has been the most difficult, painful situation I've been in in a very long time. Of course my skids are not young, which does impact the whole picture. And being married to a Disneyland Dad further complicated the problems with SD18.
But now, going to counseling, I feel so much better. Probably because the counselor is attacking the Disneyland Dad attitude H has, and leading him down a path of setting boundaies. And putting his marriage foremost.
And I treasure alot of very good advice I received on this site. Women who had walked that road, many who, like me, came to the point of walking out before they would continue down that path.
And thank you to those wise women.
BUT-since when does "venting" become voicing abusive thoughts/behaviours, and receiving acceptance for those thoughts/actions?
While in my own situation, I have not been in a position where I felt I should discipline my skids. I left that to H and he did absolutely no disciplining whatsoever. And told me if I didn't like what the SD18 was doing, it was up to me to discipline her. I totally disagreed. I knew she resented me. She did not live with me. I felt it was up to her father to correct her behaviour. And the counselor totally and completely agreed with me. And informed H that he has been shirking his parental responsiblites by refusing to do so.
But many of you have charge of your skids day in and day out. And they are younger. And never would I say that is an easy position to be in. Many are taken advantage of, provide care and financial support for kids who seem to not appreciate it whatsoever. But young children do not stop and think about who is preparing the meal, whether that person who worked to buy those shoes is thier real parent. They are kids. Thinking back to your own childhood, especially those who grew up in intact Mom & Dad families, did you thank your own parents each time they bought you school clothes, pencils, paper? Or for every meal on the table? Probably not. You were a kid. So why do we expect from skids what birth kids aren't expected to do?
Some posts have been distrubing, to say the least. How do you hate a small child because he/she looks like BM? How does the child have control over whom he/she resembles? Kids are very intuitive individuals. They know, by pure instinct, when someone resents their very existance. No one can be forced to love a step child. But decency demands that we do not abuse the power we have in these childrens lives, and take our inner feelings about the fact that our DH had children with a woman prior to us, out on the child.
Well said, Stick
I'm going to say here what I said on that other thread you mentioned, about wishing someone dead. It's my opinion that we reach a breaking point in our stress tolerance levels and everyone handles that breaking point differently. Some people direct their intolerable stress outwards towards those perceived to be causing the stress, in the form of fantasies of death or harm. And others direct it inwards, towards themselves, resulting in depression and suicide. Neither is healthy. Both are symptoms of things gone very wrong and a need for drastic change.
That being said, fear of public censure or ostracization is a very powerful motivator. Knowing that, the group does have a responsibility to condemn anti-social behaviour (such as force-feeding a child garbage). In person, this is relatively easy to do. Over an online, anonymous forum it's almost impossible. If someone posts a thought or describes a behaviour the group should condemn (i.e. illegal or unconscionable behaviour), the only recourse the group has is online, anonymous condemnation. This has no effect on the behaviour whatsoever. The only effect it will have is in preventing that poster from speaking freely in the future.
However, the above-mentioned scenario can only apply to behaviours. Not one of us has the right to approve or condemn thoughts and feelings. These arise as a result of intolerable stress levels. Could unchecked violent thoughts and feelings lead to violent behaviour? Certainly. Will social criticism of said thoughts and feelings prevent violent behaviour? Probably not. Neither will an outpouring of anonymous posts telling the poster it's wrong to feel or think the way she does.
What can work to diffuse these feelings, however, is for a few members of the group to recognize the intolerable levels of stress that person must be under to reach that point in the first place, empathize, provide emotional support, then offer strategies for reducing the stress and dealing with situation in a healthier way. And sometimes recognize that venting here can let out those negative thoughts and feelings before they are acted upon in real life. Social criticism in this case would be counterproductive, removing the opportunity to release the offensive thoughts and feelings and potentially allowing harm to occur through the resulting unchecked behaviours.
I love your posts, Stick. I love your sense of social duty. I agree with you most of the time. And you're right; there should be no "I'm a step-mother" card excusing bad behaviour. But being a step-mother is a valid reason to have bad thoughts and negative feelings, in most cases. I think this is a good place to reveal them, let the group chew them up and spit them out, then release them as validated. Only when we feel heard and supported can we make the necessary changes to prevent our bad thoughts and feelings from causing bad behaviour.
I think it has all been said.
I've read things that disturb me...I've read things that just go against what I was taught about being a decent human being. I've said things I didn't mean...I've done things I didn't mean. Everyone has no matter who you are. I don't think it's right to "coddle" someone for doing something abusive. I do think it's ok to comfort someone who says things out of desperation and frustration though. I also think that in the process of comforting said individual it is important to steer them in a better direction so they don't hurt themselves or anyone else.
I don't Stick was "bashing" anyone or trying stir up trouble. When stepparents,especially stepmothers, do and say malicious things it only perpetuates the "EVIL STEPMOTHER" Myth. Are we allowed to say whatever we want on this site...ABSOLUTELY. Will it always be received with open arms...NO WAY. Do I wish my stepdaughter harm? F**k no. Do I wish my husband harm? F**k no. Do I want Bm to disappear...occasionally
I don't expect ANYONE here to agree with my thoughts on this and that shouldn't be an expectation had by anyone else who posts on this site. We're all different, we think different,act different,etc...that is what makes the world go round gals. Do I think just because we're stepmoms(dads) we should jump on board and support "questionable" behavior by other members...hell no. Should we comment when we don't agree? of course! That's the WHOLE POINT...helping others to find different ways to cope with their problems. You can't help if you aren't allowed to voice your opinion or dislike for the actions of another or words of another.
I've said it a MILLION TIMES...there's a right way and a wrong way to help. Cheap one liners that just ooze critism aren't acceptable.
Add to that difference of opinion and put some of your OWN experience in there then add some comfort and GOOD advice...gee...maybe kinda like Stick did with her post.
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Okay, the following made me laugh out loud, for reals!
"And before anyone tells me I am holier than thou... I'M NOT. Feel free to tell me if you disagree. And also , if anyone tells me to take my rainbow and sparkles and shove it up my ass.... I will do so.
And then I'll take it out and BEAT YOU over the head with it!! It'll be sh*t and sparkles everywhere!!"
I love early morning laughter!
Stick I think you are right on with your blog. The get out of jail free card that you are referring to is used tooo much dear friend. Your blog made me sit back and think, have I ever used it? You know what, I have. I can think of a few times where I drew back from my family because afterall, I don't matter, I'm just the Step Mom.

But I think I had to in those situations or I would have clubbed them all in the head.
There should be no excuses in parenting. We all parent different ways, step parent different ways, but the bottom line and goal for everyone that is any form of a parent should be to do whats best for the kids. In every sense. Do whats best, don't talk bad about their mother in front of them, punish them when necessary, the list goes on and on. I think the problem comes in when the "guilt" father or mother won't allow the step parent to do those things for the child, hostitily breeds and next thing you know there are new members at step talk!
I get the gist of your blog though.
But you know me, ever the I have to say, the person you are referring to about making the child eat vomit, I think was misunderstood. Yes, the words were to harsh, but she had no intention of making the child eat vomit! It's like when my mom used to tell me, I'm going to slap you to Tuesday of next week. I might get smacked, but it wasn't to Tuesday! Or when my Grandma would tell me, I'm going to slap the teeth out of your head. Well, I still have all my teeth. At the time I had visions of my teeth flying across the room, now when I think about it I giggle. Harsh, yes. Abuse, no. See what I mean?
Love ya girl!
So what's your solution?
Just curious.
B/c on one of the blogs you referred to (about possibly hurting the child) every single person that posted said it was wrong. Your advice was awesome and that blogger realized it and said that she would end the relationship or get help.
So...was she not supposed to blog her thoughts? I look at that blog as very positive and influential to her.
Anyway...what is your solution? Do we post according to rules and guidelines? Do we answer posts according to rules and guidelines? Who writes the rules and guidelines?
Stick...I love your thoughtful posts/advice/outlooks. I agree with you 98% of the time. I just don't see what you propose to accomplish here? To make us think? To censor blogs that may not be P/C? To censor answers that may not be P/C?
In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen on this site?
Censorship and Solutions - Everyone's Interest
I certainly would NOT Censor anyone and try to tell them what they can and should say, write about or feel. Especially since our feelings, much more than our words, come from our gut, heart and mind where we don't have control. We feel them before we can even verbalize them.
What made me write the blog in the first place is that I felt the need to point out that some members come on here and use this site and other people's hurts to justify their own pain and bitterness - without any thought of offering resolution!! They are blinding themselves to their own reality and their own effect on their own reality. Just like BM over here does.
I wanted to point out the behavior without pointing fingers!!
Here's my thoughts on solutions....
WE AS MEMBERS OF THIS WEBSITE HAVE TO GROW UP AND GROW SOME BALLS. .. IF someone offers an opposing opinion, we should just take what they say and THINK ABOUT IT . We need to get over ourselves that we don't want to hear anything that could portray us as negative. Grow up.
Having said that... WE MUST DISAGREE RESPECTFULLY. It has been done on here... very recently. Things that could have blown up, did not, because of the way the dispute was handled between the 2 members. It can be done. And isn't that really better for everyone?? To see both sides of any argument and let us decide for ourselves which is the side we feel more comfortable with??
Really, if someone is so worried about posting because their thoughts or actions are truly so ugly that they are worried about someone else empathizing, then that should tell them something right there. We are not mob mentality on this site by any means. But it does get that way sometimes!!
I don't think that people should be ashamed... but KNOW YOURSELF and KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT. This website does not absolve us from personal responsibility. It is to help us work through the thoughts and ideas that we know we have but that we also understand MAY NOT BE quite "right". In my opinion this website is to help us GROW in our situations or helps us even LEAVE our situations. To use it to stay stagnant in an unhealthy environment is completely not what I thought the site was intended for. And to try to get others to stay stagnant, or to encourage bitter feelings is insulting to everyone. And sometimes letting others stay stagnant is by staying SILENT.
In my own opinion.
Hey Stick...
I agree with you! But here's my response:
I'll respond to people that I think really WANT help. But to me, when someone writes stuff that I find morally reprehensible or just plain wrong, I tend to take the lazy way out and know that they are far beyond my advice. I can't garbage-up my life with that, and I tend to get too fired up and would spend far too long trying to 'get them to come over to my side'. Many times I have started to respond to a blog only to delete it because I think...what's the point?
All in all I guess I'm lazy. And, hey...if it makes some posters feel better to write out that crap, then...whom am I to say? Maybe it actually helps them get some of their animosity out.
I LOVE you posts...keep them up. I just disagree with the blogs (not just you) that plead with people to become what they are not. Or to conform to something that they either don't agree with or believe in. It all reminds me of one poster on here awhile ago that took exception to using the term 'sperm donor'. She waxed poetic on her belief that no one is a sperm donor and that term should be banned. Uhhhg...whatever. I don't find that term overly offensive...but she tried to make everyone stop using it. Silly, I think.
People are who they are. Some of us are more empathetic to the people in our lives, some are overly reactionary and post before they think, some are immature, some are too sensitive, I could go on and on. I can't change that...again...maybe I'm just lazy. If the person is sincere and wanting help, I'll respond. I will not try to 'convert' the 'unconvertable'.
I just will add one thing to
make people think.......
I once heard my grandfather say this to my dad after my gma disowned my father (her son) for divorcing my mother. He said "I don't hate anyone b/c hate in your heart will consume you."
It sooooo very true. I think there is a Will Smith song about that very saying as well.
I dislike some of the behaviors my SDs display, and even BM sometimes, but I don't HATE anyone. I cant afford to focus that much of my barely there energy on hating someone. It takes a lot of energy to hate. I have lupus and some days dont even have the energy to get out of bed, but if I allowed myself to hate someone, or something, I would be right next to BM in the mental institution.
Holy crap this is all about me?!?!?!
Let's get somethings straight here.
If ANY of you were to step into my house you would see #1 an immaculate home. #2 a HAPPY home #3 a bunch of very HEALTHY, HAPPY and WELL BEHAVED kids. FIVE in total counting the "YOGURT EATING" food waster that I get EOW.
The yogurt incident:
GO-GURTS come in a TUBE. Much like a Capri Sun but in a long tube shape. Which means...
#1 - THE YOGURT ITSELF NEVER ACTUALLY TOUCHED GARBAGE BECAUSE IT WAS IN A TUBE that gets a piece snipped off with scissors or teeth. She dropped it in I took it OUT.
#2 - TELLING SD that if she threw up I'd make her eat the vomit was a FEAR TACTIC. Much like "I'll knock your teeth out" for whatever reason....
#3 - I didn't have a spoon in my hand and was ramming it down SD's throat. (as I'm sure you all pictured) I made her eat the freaking TUBE of yogurt. SHE held the tube HERSELF and had to EAT THE WHOLE DAMN THING while I sat there and watched.
Now...I was NOT the one who said they wished their stepchild was dead. That's a bit harsh BUT who the EFF is anyone on this site to tell that poster that they are BAD or EVIL because they felt that way that particular day?!?!
Who is anyone to tell me that I SHOULD GO TO JAIL FOR making a brat eat the food that she voluntarily took out of my refrigerator knowing all along that she had JUST FINISHED eating 4 other things in the last 30 minutes?
All you are doing by being JUDGMENTAL is making me feel like I can't come here and say the truth because someone is going to come knocking on my door because somebody in West Bubbafuck thinks I am abusing my Skids.
I am NOT making ANY excuses for what I did, NOR do I feel it was abusive. Do you know what's abuse? Abuse is having your stepfather stick his fingers up your crotch when you are 10 years old telling you he is trying to make sure you are still a virgin!!
I think I will continue to call my ONLY girlfriend that lets me VENT w/o judging my actions seeing as how HERE no matter what, people still seem to point fingers and forget what they are here for.
Thank you for posting the clarification. I am officially put in my place for anything judgemental I may have posted in regard to this.
I really hope you don't leave because of this. There are many of us who struggle and benefit from being here...I think if you can get past this maybe there are people here who can share experiences with you and possibly be helpful? It sucks there are so many ways to interpret posts and the real meaning gets lost. I guess there's nothing else to say...
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
It`s not all about you
Though, some of it was. Unfortuantely some people didn`t read the original post. Others just really disagree with your tactics.
I read it throughly the first time and kinda`liked your resourcefulness. We as parents tell our kids and skids many different scare tactics to get them to stop destructive behaviour.
My Mom used to tell me she`d slap me into next week if I didn`t do something. Also (as mentioned in my 1st post above) that my eyes would stay crossed if I kept it up, I`d go blind by looking at the sun. I got my mouth washed out with soap if I swore and threatned with the wooden spoon if I misbehaved.
Knowing the details of the situation (as posted in the original blog when you wrote your story)I don`t find anything wrong with what you did personally.
Stay! It ain`t all this bad...
It's not all about you. It's about GENERICS.
The reality is... when I wrote how a resolution between 2 disagreeing members was handled... that was about you too!
It's not judgmental. You said what you did. I disagreed. You returned "That's fine, but know this"... and said other things. You also in another post had me asking you if you could get custody of your 2nd stepchild. I felt that we each got our point across in a non-confrontational way. I personally did not agree with how you handled THAT PARTICULAR INCIDENT, but that doesn't mean that I also don't respect other things that you post.
So NO... don't go. It's not all about you. IT'S ABOUT BEHAVIOR and RESPONSES to various posts that I see online. Take that for what you will. But don't get upset, please.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
And one more thing NOTSOHAPPY
If that incident with the stepfather happened to you, or to anyone that you know, then that F*CKER should be strung up by his balls , have acid poured on his dick and have a tube of GoGurt shoved up his ass.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I vote for the go gurt up his ass.
gogurt...I'll never look at it the same
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Yes it happened to me...
The Gogurt up the ass made me spit out my Diet Coke!!! HA!
I'm ok he didn't insert anything other than fingers but because of that experience I don't let my kids do sleepovers and I have SEVERE trust issues with adults.
I sit at the field EVERY day and watch my youngest play his sports because I refuse to let him out of my sight.
Some people are just really messed up. What can I tell you, I think I came out pretty normal, except I have a VERY VERY tough demeanor because of it.
Crazy right?!?!?!
You aren't crazy! NotSoHappy
I'm really sorry that things said here brought up that memory for you.
If I say I wish I could give you a hug... would it sound too sappy? And - I understand, and it makes sense that you have a tough demeanor!
I have read your other posts (yes more than just the 1!!) , and you sound like a wonderful mom and your kids happy! I can't even imagine how much of a struggle you go through every day, due to the kinds of things that would bring back those hurt past realities. I'm guessing it's unexpected sometimes, huh?
I would think it would be very difficult to parent sometimes, having had that as part of your example.
Well, I'll say it again... I'm sorry for any pain you may feel and any part I caused in that.
And hey ! If you ever want some good "revenge" ideas.... I actually do have a twisted mind. PM me anytime and let me know!!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Yeah, you could make him eat some
hehehe, just kidding. I kid, I kid!
Aww crap...
You made me fall outta' my chair...seriously (leaning back...started laughing a little too much and...there you go...flat on my back)!
I like your punishment. I think all of the above should be done!
To NOTSOHAPPY on orginial comment I did not read the original
I did not read the original post. But what i got out of the comments seemed like they did not hear this stuff--the details I guess.
That is probably the reason to alot of this, we can not talk face to face so sometimes when we are angry we leave things out. Things that make the situation different.
I got over it already Stick...
I will admit I was a bit flabbergasted that some posters took what I said and thought it was a sign of abuse. I am a mother. If anyone ever abused any of my children I'd land in a jail cell but that person would never be free to walk the earth. Therefore as a mom I would never do harm to another child. No matter whose child it is.
Yes I have MANY MANY days when I can't stand the sight of SD. But there are other days when she's my first pick to sit and watch Twilight for the 70th time. (we're both HUGE Edward fans) There are times when I wish I didn't have to deal with the things I need to deal with being a SM but thats a choice I made and finding this site brought to light the simple fact that I was not alone. I thought I was alone all those years. I never imagined ANYONE knowing what I was going thru. So feeling that I was going to have to censor myself all over again took me by surprise.
I'm ok now. Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions. See you on the blogs!
Once again Sticky boo...
Oh no don't feel as if you brought that memory on. It's not something one ever forgets. And thanks I felt the hug!!! It makes parenting a little harder only because one is always on guard. You think that it can't happen to you or your kids but once it is something that has happened to you, well, you just know better.
My struggle is probably very similar to others on this site. BM drama, a DH with a week backbone, a CS order that makes me sick to my stomach, a SD that is WAY too much like her momma, a SS that is a sweet kid and loves me but at the end of the day will always be more loyal to his BM than to me, 2 older Bio's that are WAY too old to be living under my roof, and a younger Bio that I smother because he is still at an age where I think that after 2 tries I might be able to FINALLY get it right!!!
Always second guessing my decisions and always trying to be less driven by emotion and more by rational.
Sighs....Just another day in the life of a SM, a wife a BioMom an employee, a cook, a maid, a partner, a sister, a daughter...Did I leave anything out?!!?
StepMomJen that was too damn cute! LOL...