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SD busted

Still Have Hope's picture

Yesterday DH, the bios and I went Xmas shopping. This is our yearly tradition since DH and I like to have all the shopping done before Thanksgiving. Friday SD22 called to say she would like to meet us for dinner after she gets off work. We had planned to go to the mall closest to our house but SD22 works in a town 40 miles north so DH says we will to the downtown mall instead that is 10 minutes from the restaurant where SD works.
Fine, except for a longer drive and paying to park in a downtown garage it is all the same to me. We get all our shopping done so DH calls SD to ask when and where she wants to meet us. SD22 tells DH she has to work for someone who didn't show for the dinner shift.
DH and I decide we will go to the restaurant where SD works for dinner and at least get to see her and of course leave a big tip for the overworked baby.
We get there and ask the hostess to sit us in SD's section. Hostess tells us. SD worked the lunch shift and got off at 3 PM. So when DH talked to her she had been off for 2 hours. We change our plans and get lied to and stood up. What else is new in Blended Hell?


Still Have Hope's picture

He is extremely pissed but hasn't called her to even tell her he knows she lied to us. He will wait until she calls and by that time he will have cooled off. I made a point of telling the bios that they better never pull anything like that when they get her age. I think I will made a point of bringing it up when she comes for Christmas. Gift giving occasions are the only time we can count on the SDs showing up for sure.

cant win for losin's picture

I would have been all over that shit. I would of called HER and asked how work went? Ask her, "was it busy?" Tell her it was a bummer that we miss her at dinner, blah blah and then tell her that we had a great dinner at XY Restaurant (where she works)!

Then after i drop THAT bomb, let her have the rest.

Lauren B's picture

I agree with Hypovic. Better that he keeps it in his back pocket and remembers it the next time she wants something.