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SD22 invites herself on our Xmas trip

Still Have Hope's picture

SD22 invited herself on our holiday visit to DH's parent's home. We will be gone for 12 days as it takes 2 days of driving to get there. DH didn't invite SD thinking she would need to work during her college break. SD works at a downtown restaurant & lounge. From Xmas to New Years this place hosts many large parties where SD could easily make several hundred dollars in tips a day working a double shift. During the holiday season the downtown area is packed with people shopping,partying and going to the theaters and museums. SD has no classes and could make around $3000 in tips in the 12 days that we will be gone. But no she would rather go on a trip. In case you might think she wants to go to see her grandparents. They are retired and visit us at least 4 times a year. They will be at our house for Thanksgiving week just weeks before our Xmas trip. DH mentioned the lost income and SD said she really needs a break. She is only taking 3 classes at community college and works about 25 hours a week. The owners are family friends and have offered SD more hours but she never wants them. Luckily they have other employees wanting as many hours as they can get.
SD has no problem asking for help whenever she runs out of money. I will be reminding her of the holiday income she turned down the next time she asks us for money.


Willow2010's picture

Actually...I would be thrilled if my DD came on a trip like that with me! However...I would be devestated if SS came. ugh. I feel for you. I could not take it!

Still Have Hope's picture

SD's mom & stepdad live 10 minutes from SD's apartment where SD22 lives with her boyfriend. Her sister, who she hasn't seen since August will be home from college. SD22 would be far from alone for the holidays. SD22 never spends Xmas with us unless we go on a trip. SD22 needs to work so she can support herself. But of course SD22 chooses fun over responsibility ever time.

Still Have Hope's picture

Exactly, she needs the money more than a visit but SD22 never thinks about money until she is broke. It is always fun before responsibility.