So proud of DH!!!
So I haven't really posted blogs before, most of what I put has been in the forums, but I have to say I'm really proud of DH.
A little background. We've been married for 1.5years and have SS7 and DD8 months. A couple months ago we seperated because I couldn't take him letting SS7 do whatever he wanted, and always using me as the babysitter. Well, during the last few months, and about 3 months after having DD I was diagnosed with PPD. After getting it treated I started to feel better and learned to standup for myself. Of course that caused problems because that meant I wasn't going to be the doormat anymore. I stopped doing almost everything for SS and DH noticed this. I felt like he married me to have a babysitter for his son, and continually allowed me to be the disciplinarian AKA the bad guy. I finally had enough and we got into a major blowout the day after we baptized our daughter. Needless to say, I left. I was gone for almost 2 months, and we went through counseling, and reconciled. And things have been much better.
Now we come to why I'm proud of DH. He's finally begun to standup to BM. She was always taking advantage of him and his parents/family asking them to watch SS when it was her days and it drove me nuts cause they'd all always give him. Now, I have no control over his family, but I would always tell him he needed to stop doing that cause she needed to be held responsible. BM is the worst when it comes to her priorites. Her son ranks last. She'll sign him up for various activites and then a couple months in, DH is the only one taking him to practices/events. This drove me nuts cause we have a baby that he has to drag around to these things because I'm at work. Finally a couple weeks ago he put his foot down and told her enough! She of course had a fit because her only options to help her out were not gone. She's not speaking to her family, because I'm sure she's taken advantage of them too, and has no others to bail her lazy ass out!! Yesterday DH hasked her to take SS to school tomorrow - of course her immediate response was NO, and for him to call HIS parents!!! He shot back with, nah, I'll call your mom instead! This left her speechless!! LOVE IT!!! Hopefully he'll continue to be strong about not giving in to her!! I know this is something small, but when you deal with this crap all the time, it's like a major milestone!!
- Stressed357's blog
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Excellent to hear. A word of
Excellent to hear. A word of advice. Since DH is new to actually PARENTING and not be-friending SS, make sure you don't go overboard on the complimenting of his progress.
Why, you ask?
Well most of these "recovering" guilty daddies (there is no such thing as a "recovered" guilty daddy as it is akin to alcoholism, IMO) are always 2nd guessing themselves in the parenting arena. When they DO put their foot down, and if SM does handsprings, they will start to think "Hmmm, if SM thinks I am doing things right, I must have been TOO HARSH with BM/skid"
Which results in the guilty daddy 180.
So you have to say to him: "Hon, wow that must have been really hard to discipline Junior/stand up to the BM/[insert proper parenting action], I know it would be hard for me too, but you did the right thing." (and smile sympathetically)
Great! I'm so happy for you
Great! I'm so happy for you that things are going so much better for you, and that you both are working hard to change things in order to make your marriage work.
So many couples are too quick to throw in the towel. This will make you stronger.