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Who has swapped my OH for this alien OH!?

stressedstep's picture

I really do not know whats going on with him the last few days...but sh*t he is a different person! :jawdrop:

After his self thought re-arrangement with SD7 (which must have exhausted him surely....) he continues to totally shock me! Last night, HE bought up the subject of the nursery...yes, HE started with him asking how we were going to arrange the room and so we chatted and discussed thoughts ideas....then he asked about how it was going to be decorated...he made some changes and added some thoughts of his own too....I told him that my bestie would lend up the paper stripper too.....then, he asked about the for me, this is a sore point, HIS sons put ciggie burn holes in this carpet as they were to lazy to see if they were using an ashtray or not, HE allowed them to smoke ciggies upstairs WITHOUT my knowledge, until I found the burn holes, let rip and it was banned! The carpet was brand new just before OH moved in with me, and HIS boys who have no respect have also spilt lord knows all over back to it, OH asked about the carpet, I said it would need to be cleaned first, and if the furniture didnt "hide the burn holes from HIS sons then a new carpet was required"....he understood.....he then said......well, "we best get SD7s stuff sorted out and the bunk beds ordered next week, get them painted and then get them up so that I can get started on the nursery within the next couple of weeks" :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

I dont know who took my OH......but you can keep him, and Ill keep this version you have planted on me ta muchly........ Biggrin


Justme54's picture

I get it! God forbid SD feels out of place. Sure, you should always try to treat all children equal. Hello! I see no need to roll out the red carpet for SD for her room....BEFORE you work on the nursery. Nursey FIRST. If it is in the budget, it would very nice to update SD's bedroom. It would as assure her...a new baby is not going to stop daddy from loving her.

stressedstep's picture

Its SD7s room thats being turned into the nursery......I only have a 3 bed home, and SD7 only sleeps with us once a week, and since I am having a boy, its SD7 that looses the room.....she will be sleeping in my BD7s room.....

The problem is, SD7 has had most of her stuff half sorted and piled up and she has packed stuff up ready to be moved in to BD7s room, but OH has been slack so SD7 has been sleeping in a room where it actually does look like she is sharing with a baby!! Babies stuff is piled up and is starting to take over the room as we have no space elsewhere and SD7s stuff is kinda wedged up another corner at the moment...and this is all down to OH being damn lazy.....SD7 been good about it though, so far.....