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Tired of my bios getting blamed for everything

stressgirl79's picture

I am sick and tired of my bios getting the blame for everything, big and little, that happens around here. The little stuff is almost more annoying than the big stuff, frankly.

We moved all the snack food to a drawer in our office because we were tired of buying a week's worth of snacks and having them disappear in a day. This worked out fantastically well. DH's kids, SS10 and SD8, were with their grandmother this past weekend and my bios were here with us. I hadn't gone shopping for a week, so snack pickings were pretty slim when they got here. The first thing SS did when he got home was make a beeline for the snack drawer, and..."I guess the boys ate all the snacks AGAIN." WTF? This is a kid who eats from sunup til sundown with a room full of wrappers. Then he went in his room and came out saying, "The boys messed up my Legos." They played with them, because all of theirs have migrated into his room, but they were put back EXACTLY how they were found. SD couldn't find the cup she wanted..."The boys must have broken it."

Ok, I will be the first to admit that my kids are not little angels. But none of this stuff actually happened. And I don't go around saying "There are no snacks because you are a pig" and "Maybe if you didn't steal their toys they wouldn't have to go into your room to find them" and "Maybe if you brought your dishes into the kitchen once in a while they would get washed and put back in the cabinet by the Dishes Fairy." I don't even say things like "Stop making random annoying noises for the love of God" and "The world does not revolve around you, no matter how much you think so."

Rrrrr. I feel better now.