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That B$tch!

strugglingSM's picture

DH got an email today that BM has requested a mediation. No advance warning from BM, no indication of what she wants to mediate. Nothing.

The last time she demanded a mediation, she wanted DH to go to one of her lawyer friends. When he scheduled it on his own, using the information in their parenting plan, she screamed and cried and said, “I can’t believe you are doing this to me?!!” “I feel so devalued as a mother!!!” She also sent him a bunch of harassing emails demanding to know what he wanted to mediate about, accusing him of not telling him what his issues were, wanting DH to allow her dad to sit on as a “supportive party”. Then she spent the entire session crying uncontrollably and pretending she was going to throw up, to the point where the mediators made DH agree to all of her demands, because he just had to “give something”. And this was after she demanded the meeting. 

This woman is a complete waste of space!


notsurehowtodeal's picture

It seems odd she can just request mediation and DH would have to go. Usually one party tries to make a change to the CO, and then they go to mediation if they can't agree. If there is nothing in the CO that says he has to go to some random mediation, there is no reason for him to agree to go. She needs to ask for something that he is not willing to do for there to be any reason for mediation.

And if he does go, he should take his lawyer with him and not agree to anything he doesn't want to do - not matter how hysterical she acts.

strugglingSM's picture

He replied to the request saying that he was unaware that his ex wife had a dispute with him and he would not attend a mediation if he didn’t know what the issues were.

She likely wants more money, although the mediation is supposed to just address the parenting plan, not the support order.

tog redux's picture

I'm sure this is the way she manipulates every one, and it probably used to work on DH, but it doesn't anymore.  He doesn't have to agree in mediation, take it to court if the mediator is swayed by her victim manipulations.