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Freedom! Won’t be seeing SSs for over a month!

strugglingSM's picture

One benefit of both BM and MIL being completely self-centered and inconsiderate is that SSs will not be back at our home until July 31st. First, BM scheduled her vacation over DH's weekend without telling him...she still hasn't told him they won't be coming to our house, just put the dates on OFW (this was after making a big stink earlier in the year about how she always reviews OFW and schedules around DH's weekend, when she wanted DH to take her weekend). Then MIL insisted upon taking SSs on a two week vacation to Kentucky? Ohio? New York? It's unclear since MIL is completely flakey and told different people different things. MIL also says she's just taking the two weeks DH has in the CO, but the CO bars DH from taking two weeks in a row and BM regularly tells DH he can only have the weeks she wants to give him. But, MIL is bent out of shape that we don't take SSs on vacation and also feels bad that BM got divorced, so, she has to step in and "show the boys they are loved" (as if DH doesn't). I wouldn't let my child go off for two weeks with MIL, who seems to be losing her mind a bit, but BM is no doubt happy to unload them on someone else. We don't even know the exact dates that MIL is taking them, only that she will be gone over DH's birthday (again, no word to DH about this beforehand and I'm sure BM knows all the details, but we don't). I, for one, will enjoy not seeing SSs (and MIL) for all of July. 
